Harmonic Divergence
Jane Espenson (script) / Georges Jeanty (art) / Andy Owens (inks) / Michelle Madsen (colors)
da Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 # 21, Dark Horse - USA (Gen 2009)

Steven S. DeKnight (script) / Georges Jeanty (art) / Andy Owens (inks) / Michelle Madsen (colors)
da Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 # 22, Dark Horse - USA (Mar 2009)

Predators and Prey
Drew Z. Greenberg (script) / Georges Jeanty (art) / Andy Owens (inks) / Michelle Madsen (colors)
da Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 # 23, Dark Horse - USA (Mar 2009)

Jim Krueger (script) / Cliff Richards (art) / Andy Owens (inks) / Michelle Madsen (colors)
da Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 # 24, Dark Horse - USA (Apr 2009)

Living Doll
Doug Petrie (script) / Georges Jeanty (art) / Andy Owens (inks) / Michelle Madsen (colors)
da Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 # 25, Dark Horse - USA (Mag 2009)
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