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Crimen2007 / Zagor / Deboroh / ickers83 / Silfraila / Cris_pres

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Adventure Comics vol 1 # 494
Copertina di Keith Giffen

Adventure Comics vol 1 # 494

DC Comics Dicembre 1982
Challengers of the Unknown
Contract on a Champ
Bob Rozakis (script) / George Tuska (art) / Andy Mushynsky (inks) / Carl Gafford (colors)
11 pagine
Superboy's Big Brother! Part One
Robert Bernstein (script) / George Papp (art) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
9 pagine
The Secret of Mon-El: Part Two
Robert Bernstein (script) / George Papp (art) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
10 pagine
To WIn is to Lose
Steve Skeates (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Bob LeRose (colors)
23 pagine
Captain Marvel (Shazam)
Captain Marvel Faces Fear!
Bill Woolfolk (script) / Pete Costanza (art) / Nansi Hoolahan (colors)
9 pagine
The Legion of Super-Villains!
Jerry Siegel (script) / Curt Swan (art) / Sheldon Moldoff (inks) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
11 pagine
The Spectre
The Sinister Lives of Captain Skull!
Gardner Fox (script) / Murphy Anderson (art) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
23 pagine