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Action Comics Vol 1 # 640
Copertina di Rick Burchett

Action Comics Vol 1 # 640

DC Comics Febbraio 1989
Exiles Part V
Mark Verheiden (script) / Frank Springer (art) / Frank McLaughlin (inks) / Julianna Ferriter (colors)
7 pagine
The Demon
Part V: Abandon Hope
Alan Grant (script) / Mark Pacella (art) / Bill Wray (art) / Tatjana Wood (colors)
7 pagine
Hero Hotline
(Ready, Aim, Fire)
Bob Rozakis (script) / Stephen DeStefano (art) / Kurt Schaffenberger (inks) / Bob Rozakis (colors)
7 pagine
Where There's Smoke...
Roger Stern (script) / Curt Swan (art) / Murphy Anderson (inks) / Tom Zuiko (colors)
2 pagine
Phantom Lady
Lady of the House
Len Strazewski (script) / Chuck Austen (art) / Gary Martin (inks) / Glenn Whitmore (colors)
7 pagine
Wild Dog
Crack Up, Chapter 5: 'Tween a Rock and a Hard Place
Max Allan Collins (script) / Terry Beatty (art) / John Nyberg (inks) / Carl Gafford (colors)
7 pagine