Superman Meets the Zod Squad (splash page)
Cary Bates (script) / Alex Saviuk (art) / Pablo Marcos (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
Superman Meets the Zod Squad (splash page)
Cary Bates (script) / Alex Saviuk (art) / Pablo Marcos (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
Pagina aggiunta dopo la divisione della storia originale
1 pagine
Superman Meets the Zod Squad!
Cary Bates (script) / Alex Saviuk (art) / Vince Colletta (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
Superman Meets the Zod Squad!
Cary Bates (script) / Alex Saviuk (art) / Vince Colletta (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
22 pagine
Prima pubblicazione: Superman Album # 3 (Egmont Ehapa) - altro (Gen 1982)
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