The Land-lords of Earth! (I padroni della Terra)
Gerry Conway (script) / Curt Swan (art) / Frank Chiaramonte (inks) / Liz Berube (colors)
The Land-lords of Earth! (I padroni della Terra)
Gerry Conway (script) / Curt Swan (art) / Frank Chiaramonte (inks) / Liz Berube (colors)
11 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: Superman # 32, Edizione Cenisio (Ago 1978)
The Private Life of Clark Kent
One of Those Days!
Elizabeth M. Smith (script) / Dick Dillin (art) / Tex Blaisdell (inks) / Bob LeRose (colors)
One of Those Days!
Elizabeth M. Smith (script) / Dick Dillin (art) / Tex Blaisdell (inks) / Bob LeRose (colors)
6 pagine
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