Judge Dredd
Babes in Arms, Part 4
Garth Ennis (script) / Greg Staples (art) / Greg Staples (inks) / Greg Staples (colors)
Babes in Arms, Part 4
Garth Ennis (script) / Greg Staples (art) / Greg Staples (inks) / Greg Staples (colors)
7 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: Cosmo Comics # 40 - Judge Dredd - The Garth Ennis Collection, vol 3, Editoriale Cosmo (Ott 2018)
Finn Book 1, Part 10
Pat Mills (script) / Tony Skinner (script) / Jim Elston (art) / Jim Elston (inks) / Kevin Wicks (colors)
Finn Book 1, Part 10
Pat Mills (script) / Tony Skinner (script) / Jim Elston (art) / Jim Elston (inks) / Kevin Wicks (colors)
6 pagine
Harlem Heroes
Grey Ghost Overflight, Part 4
Michael Fleisher (script) / Ron Smith (art) / Ron Smith (inks)
Grey Ghost Overflight, Part 4
Michael Fleisher (script) / Ron Smith (art) / Ron Smith (inks)
6 pagine
Tales from Beyond Science
Secrets of the Organism
John Smith (script) / Rian Hughes (art) / Rian Hughes (inks) / Rian Hughes (colors)
Secrets of the Organism
John Smith (script) / Rian Hughes (art) / Rian Hughes (inks) / Rian Hughes (colors)
6 pagine
The Clown
The Clown, Book 1, Part 6
Igor Goldkind (script) / Robert Bliss (art) / Robert Bliss (inks) / Robert Bliss (colors)
The Clown, Book 1, Part 6
Igor Goldkind (script) / Robert Bliss (art) / Robert Bliss (inks) / Robert Bliss (colors)
7 pagine
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