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2000 A.D. # 546
Copertina di John Hinkelton

2000 A.D. # 546

Fleetway Ottobre 1987
11: London's Burning (11: Londra brucia)
Grant Morrison (script) / Steve Yeowell (art)
5 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Zenith # 1 - Fase uno, Panini Comics (Mar 2015)
Freaks, Part 5: Karl Woolf
Peter Milligan (script) / John Higgins (script)
5 pagine
Judge Dredd
Oz, Part 2: Chopper Is Out!
John Wagner (script) / Alan Grant (script) / Jim Baikie (art)
7 pagine
Nemesis The Warlock
Nemesis The Warlock, Book VII: The Two Torquemadas, Part 1
Pat Mills (script) / John Hinkelton (art)
5 pagine
Strontium Dog
The Rammy, Part 3
Alan Grant (script) / Carlos Ezquerra (art)
5 pagine