Judge Dredd
Escape from Atlantis Part 3
John Wagner (script) / Paul Marshall (art) / Paul Marshall (inks) / Chris Blythe (colors)
Escape from Atlantis Part 3
John Wagner (script) / Paul Marshall (art) / Paul Marshall (inks) / Chris Blythe (colors)
6 pagine
Atavar Part 7
Dan Abnett (script) / Richard Elson (art) / Richard Elson (inks) / Richard Elson (colors)
Atavar Part 7
Dan Abnett (script) / Richard Elson (art) / Richard Elson (inks) / Richard Elson (colors)
5 pagine
Tales of Telguuth
The Rousing of Rezik Part 1
Steve Moore (script) / Clint Langley (art) / Clint Langley (inks) / Clint Langley (colors)
The Rousing of Rezik Part 1
Steve Moore (script) / Clint Langley (art) / Clint Langley (inks) / Clint Langley (colors)
5 pagine
Tharg's Future-Shocks
Right Back at Ya
Mike Carey (script) / John Charles (art) / John Charles (inks) / John Charles (colors)
Right Back at Ya
Mike Carey (script) / John Charles (art) / John Charles (inks) / John Charles (colors)
5 pagine
Nikolai Dante
The Romanov Job Part 8
Robbie Morrison (script) / Simon Fraser (art) / Simon Fraser (inks) / Gary Caldwell (colors)
The Romanov Job Part 8
Robbie Morrison (script) / Simon Fraser (art) / Simon Fraser (inks) / Gary Caldwell (colors)
6 pagine
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