Utenti registrati: 6003

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the62punisher / zimu / sempione77 / pissonyourdog / Deboroh / giovaRe / Boldlygo / Net / JUVE1971

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Deboroh su Cosmo Serie Rossa # 3, gionnistorm su Cosmo Serie Rossa # 3, majinberto su Disney Special Events # 48SP, Deboroh su The Intimates # 11, Guardian su The Intimates # 11,


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2000 A.D. # 1031
Copertina di John M. Burns

2000 A.D. # 1031

Egmont Fleetway Ltd Febbraio 1997
The Treasures of Britain, Book II, Part 8
Pat Mills (script) / Dermot Power (art) / Dermot Power (inks) / Dermot Power (colors)
6 pagine
Janus: Psi Division
Faustus, Part 8
Mark Millar (script) / Grant Morrison (script) / Paul Johnson (art) / Paul Johnson (inks) / Paul Johnson (colors)
6 pagine
Vector 13
Case Eight: Unhallowed Ground
Gordon Rennie (script) / Allan Bednar (art) / Allan Bednar (inks) / Dondie Cox (colors)
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Sinister Dexter
Gunshark Vacation, Part 8
Dan Abnett (script) / Simon Davis (art) / Simon Davis (inks) / Simon Davis (colors)
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Judge Dredd
Lonesome Dave, Part 1
John Wagner (script) / John M. Burns (art) / John M. Burns (inks) / John M. Burns (colors)
6 pagine