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Way of the Rat
Way of the Rat
anno inizio serie: 2002
numeri rilasciati: 1-24
numeri catalogati: 24
formato: comic-book, 17x26 cm
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Way of the Rat è una serie di fumetti americana pubblicata da CrossGen Entertainment. Scritta da Chuck Dixon, con artwork di Jeff Johnson e Tom Ryder, la testata è durata un totale di 24 numeri prima che la sua pubblicazione venisse interrotta a causa del fallimento di CrossGen. La serie è ambientata Sigilverse nell'universo condiviso di CrossGen nell'Impero di Shinacea, sul pianeta Hann Jinn che è anche l'ambientazione di altre due serie di Sigilverse, The Path e Brath .
1 Jun 2002
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Crossgen Book # 3 (Lexy)
2 Jul 2002
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Crossgen Book # 4 (Lexy)
3 Aug 2002
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 1 (Dream Colours)
4 Sep 2002
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 2 (Dream Colours)
5 Oct 2002
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Rod Whigham / Drew Geraci / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 2 (Dream Colours)
6 Nov 2002
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 2 (Dream Colours)
7 Dec 2002
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 3 (Dream Colours)
8 Jan 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 3 (Dream Colours)
9 Feb 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Luke Ross / Drew Geraci / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 3 (Dream Colours)
10 Mar 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 4 (Dream Colours)
11 Apr 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 4 (Dream Colours)
12 May 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 4 (Dream Colours)
13 Jun 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 5 (Dream Colours)
14 Jul 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Luke Ross / Drew Geraci / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 5 (Dream Colours)
15 Aug 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 5 (Dream Colours)
16 Sep 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 6 (Dream Colours)
17 Oct 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 6 (Dream Colours)
18 Nov 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Jeff Johnson / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 6 (Dream Colours)
19 Dec 2003
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Mike Perkins / Andrew Hennessy / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 7 (Dream Colours)
20 Jan 2004
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Luke Ross / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 7 (Dream Colours)
21 Feb 2004
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Luke Ross / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia Way of the Rat # 7 (Dream Colours)
22 Apr 2004
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Rod Whigham / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia inedito
23 May 2004
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Rod Whigham / Thomas Ryder / Chris Garcia inedito
24 Jun 2004
(untitled)Chuck Dixon / Rod Whigham / Thomas Ryder / Andrew Crossley / Wil Quintana inedito