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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents
Tower Comics
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents
Tower Comics
anno inizio serie: 1965
numeri rilasciati: 1-20
numeri catalogati: 20
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents è una squadra di supereroi apparsa nei fumetti originariamente pubblicati dalla Tower Comics negli anni '60. Erano agli ordini delle Nazioni Unite e si distinguevano per la loro rappresentazione degli eroi come persone comuni le cui carriere eroiche erano semplicemente il loro lavoro quotidiano. La serie è nota anche per la presenza di alcuni dei migliori artisti dell'epoca, come Wallace Wood e Gil Kane. La squadra è apparsa per la prima volta in T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1 del novembre 1965. Il nome è l'acronimo di "The Higher United Nations Defense Enforcement Reserves". Sebbene non sia mai stato molto popolare, il team è apparso in diverse versioni tramite diversi editori dall'inizio degli anni '80.
1 Nov 1965
First Encounter!Len Brown / Wally Wood / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
Menace of the Iron FogLen Brown / Wally Wood / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agent NoManLarry Ivie / Reed Crandall / Reed Crandall inedito
The Enemy WithinLou Silverstone / Gil Kane / George Tuska / Mike Esposito inedito
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. SquadLarry Ivie / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia inedito
At the Mercy of the Iron MaidenWally Wood / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
2 Jan 1966
Dynamo Battles DynavacLen Brown / Wally Wood / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
In the Warlord's Power!Bill Pearson / Dick Ayers / Wally Wood / Joe Orlando inedito
TurnaboutLou Silverstone / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia inedito
D-Day for DynamoLen Brown / Wally Wood / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
On the Double!Lou Silverstone / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia inedito
3 Mar 1966
Dynamo Battles the SubterraneansDan Adkins / Wally Wood inedito
Noman Faces the Threat of the Amazing VibramanBill Pearson / John Giunta / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Joe Coleman
Dynamo and the Menace of the Red Dragon!Tim Brent / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins / Joe Coleman
Invaders from the DeepLou Silverstone / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella inedito
Dynamo vs. MenthorLou Silverstone / Tim Brent / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins / Joe Coleman Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
4 Apr 1966
Master of Evolution!Tim Brent / Len Brown / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
The Synthetic Stand-Ins!Steve Skeates / Tim Brent / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella / Frank Giacoia inedito
NoMan in Action!Dan Adkins / Wally Wood inedito
The Origin of T.H.U.N.D.E.R.Dan Adkins / Wally Wood inedito
The Deadly Dust!Steve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella
Dynamo and the Return of the Iron MaidenTim Brent / Wally Wood / Reed Crandall / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins
Menthor and the Great HypnoLou Silverstone / John Giunta / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood inedito
5 Jun 1966
Dynamo and the GolemBill Pearson / Tim Brent / Reed Crandall / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins / Joe Coleman inedito
In the Caverns of DemoBill Pearson / Gil Kane / Wally Wood / Joe Coleman inedito
Return of Baron Von KampfSteve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia inedito
Menthor Vs. the EntrancerLou Silverstone / John Giunta / John Giunta inedito
Double for DynamoSteve Skeates / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins / Joe Coleman inedito
6 Jul 1966
Dynamo and the Sinister Agents of the Red Star!Wally Wood / Tim Brent / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood inedito
The Origin of the Warp Wizard!Steve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia inedito
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. vs. DemoJohn Giunta / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins inedito
The Carnival of DeathLou Silverstone / John Giunta / Carl Hubbell inedito
To Fight Alone!Steve Skeates / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
7 Aug 1966
Suspicion of TreasonWally Wood / Tim Brent / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
The Warp Wizard's RevengeSteve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella inedito
Subterranean ShowdownGeorge Tuska / George Tuska inedito
To Be or Not To Be!Bill Pearson / John Giunta / Sal Trapani inedito
A Matter of Life and Death!Dan Adkins / Steve Ditko / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins
8 Sep 1966
Thunder in the Dark!Wally Wood / Ralph Reese / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
The Pyramid of the WarlordsBill Pearson / John Giunta / Joe Giella inedito
The Blue AlienSteve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella inedito
Enter... the RavenSteve Skeates / George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
Final Encounter!Dan Adkins / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
9 Oct 1966
Corporal Dynamo, U.S.A.Ralph Reese / John Giunta / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins inedito
Lightning vs AndorMike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella inedito
The Secret of Scorpion IslandJohn Giunta / John Giunta inedito
The Black Box of Doom!Dan Adkins / Chic Stone inedito
Raven Battles Mayven, the PoetManny Stallman / Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
10 Nov 1966
Operation ArmageddonRalph Reese / Wally Wood / Wally Wood inedito
The Air LaserMike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella inedito
Three Deeds of EvilOgden Whitney / Ogden Whitney inedito
Kitten or Killer?George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
(untitled)Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
11 Mar 1967
The Death of DynamoDan Adkins / Wally Wood inedito
Vs. The VortexSteve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella inedito
The Trap!Steve Skeates / John Giunta / John Giunta inedito
Understudy for DynamoChic Stone / Chic Stone inedito
The Case of Jacob EinhornManny Stallman / Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
12 Apr 1967
Strength Is Not Enough!Steve Ditko / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins inedito
Speed DemonSteve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella
The RockJohn Giunta inedito
The Road to Spider HQSteve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella inedito
The Raven Battles the Storm Troopers of XochimilcoManny Stallman / Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
13 Jun 1967
'A' Bullet for DynamoDan Adkins / Wally Wood inedito
Escape from DestinyJerry Siegel / Ogden Whitney / Ogden Whitney inedito
The Quick and the ChangingSteve Skeates / Chic Stone / Chic Stone inedito
The Black HelmetWally Wood / George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
The Second AtlantisSteve Skeates / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
14 Jul 1967
Return Engagement!Steve Ditko / Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins inedito
To Fight Is to Die!Steve Skeates / Chic Stone / Chic Stone inedito
On the Other SideSteve Skeates / John Giunta / John Giunta inedito
Darkly Sees the Prophet!Gil Kane / Gil Kane / Gil Kane inedito
The Fist of ZeusGeorge Tuska / George Tuska inedito
15 Sep 1967
Collision Course!Wally Wood / Ralph Reese / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
While Our Hero Sleeps...!Steve Skeates / Chic Stone / Chic Stone inedito
Starflight to the Assassin Planet!Ogden Whitney / Ogden Whitney inedito
Hail to the Chief!Ralph Reese / John Giunta / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins inedito
Dig We MustRalph Reese / George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
16 Oct 1967
Dream of Doom!Wally Wood / Roger Brand / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
One of Our Androids is Missing!Gil Kane / Gil Kane / Jack Abel inedito
The Whirligig!Steve Skeates / Chic Stone / Chic Stone inedito
The End of the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents ?Ralph Reese / George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
A Slight Case of Combat FatigueDan Adkins / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
17 Dec 1967
First Encounter!Len Brown / Wally Wood / Wally Wood Cosmo Golden Age # 21 (Editoriale Cosmo )
Return of the Hyena!Ralph Reese / Wally Wood / Ralph Reese / Wally Wood / Ralph Reese inedito
The Locusts are Coming!!Ogden Whitney / Ogden Whitney inedito
Weed Out West!Ralph Reese / George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
Put Them All Together, They Spell S.P.I.D.E.R.!Ralph Reese / Chic Stone / Chic Stone inedito
18 Sep 1968
Dynamo and the Amazing Mr. Mek!Ralph Reese / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
The Sinister Schemes of Professor Reverse!Ogden Whitney / Ogden Whitney inedito
The Arena!Reed Crandall / Reed Crandall inedito
Secret of the Abominable Snowmen!Ralph Reese / Chic Stone / Chic Stone inedito
A Matter of Life and Death!Dan Adkins / Steve Ditko / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins
19 Nov 1968
Half an Hour of Power!Ralph Reese / Wally Wood / Ralph Reese / Wally Wood / Ralph Reese inedito
Dynamo Vs. the Ghost!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
All-Girl Gang!Ralph Reese / George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
A Matter of TransmittersPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
Speed DemonSteve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella
20 Nov 1969
The Origin of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agent DynamoChic Stone / Chic Stone inedito
Dynamo and the Return of the Iron MaidenTim Brent / Wally Wood / Reed Crandall / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins
Noman Faces the Threat of the Amazing VibramanBill Pearson / John Giunta / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Joe Coleman
The Deadly Dust!Steve Skeates / Mike Sekowsky / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella
Dynamo and the Menace of the Red Dragon!Tim Brent / Dan Adkins / Wally Wood / Dan Adkins / Joe Coleman