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Thor Annual Vol 1
Marvel Comics
Thor Annual Vol 1
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 1965
numeri rilasciati: 2-19
numeri catalogati: 19
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Thor
tipologia: serie annuale

Annuale dedicato a Thor. il Dio del Tuono.
La serie prosegue la numerazione da Journey Into Mistery Annual.

2 Sep 1966
Thor: If Asgard FallsStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Vince Colletta / Stan Goldberg Thor # 30 (Editoriale Corno)
Thor: Mad MerlinStan Lee / Robert Bernstein / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Thor # 6 (Editoriale Corno)
Thor: The Enchantress and the ExecutionerStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Chic Stone Thor # 10 (Editoriale Corno)
3 Dec 1970
Thor: A World Gone MadStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Chic Stone Thor # 17 (Editoriale Corno)
(tales of asgard): Balder Must Die!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Vince Colletta Thor # 8 (Editoriale Corno)
(tales of asgard): Trapped By the Trolls!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Vince Colletta Thor # 10 (Editoriale Corno)
(tales of asgard): Banished From Asgard!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Vince Colletta Thor # 10 (Editoriale Corno)
(tales of asgard): The Defeat of Odin!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Vince Colletta Thor # 10 (Editoriale Corno)
Thor: The Stronger I Am, the Sooner I DieStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Chic Stone Thor # 18 (Editoriale Corno)
4 Dec 1971
Thor: They Strike From SpaceStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Vince Colletta Thor # 30 (Editoriale Corno)
Thor: Rigel, Where Gods May Fear To TreadStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Vince Colletta Thor # 31 (Editoriale Corno)
(tales of asgard): The Boyhood of LokiStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Vince Colletta Thor # 13 (Editoriale Corno)
5 Dec 1976
Thor: The War of the Gods!Steve Englehart / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga / Don Warfield Thor # 195 (Editoriale Corno)
6 Dec 1977
Thor: Thunder In the 31st Century!Roger Stern / Len Wein / Sal Buscema / Klaus Janson / Glynis Wein Thor # 200 (Editoriale Corno)
7 Dec 1978
Thor: And Ever.. the Eternals!Roy Thomas / Walter Simonson / Ernie Chan / Glynis Wein The Mighty Thor # 50 (Play Press)
8 Dec 1979
Thor: Thunder Over Troy!Roy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga / George Roussos Play Book # 6 (Play Press)
9 Dec 1981
Thor: The Great Game!Chris Claremont / Luke McDonnell / Vince Colletta / Bonnie Wilford inedito
10 Dec 1982
Thor: A Time To DieAlan Zelenetz / Mark Gruenwald / Bob Hall / Joe Rubinstein / Al Gordon / Rick Bryant / Kevin Dzuban / Andy Mushynsky / George Roussos The Mighty Thor # 50 (Play Press)
11 Nov 1983
Thor: The Saga of ThorBob Hall / Alan Zelenetz / Vince Colletta / Carl Gafford inedito
12 Nov 1984
Thor: The Blood of DawnAlan Zelenetz / Bob Budiansky / Mike Gustovich / George Roussos inedito
Inhumans: Island In the SkyPeter Gillis / Richard Howell / Sam De La Rosa inedito
13 Dec 1985
Thor: And Evil Shall InheritAlan Zelenetz / John Buscema / John Buscema / George Roussos Marvel Magazine # 6 (Marvel Italia)
14 Nov 1989
Thor: Set AscendingRoy Thomas / Al Milgrom / Don Heck / John A. Wilcox The Mighty Thor # 57 (Play Press)
Thor: God's HopeBob Layton / Bob Layton / Ernie Chan / George Roussos The Mighty Thor # 15 (Play Press)
Thor: Relative Strengths and ComparisonsPeter Sanderson / Ron Lim / Mike DeCarlo inedito
Thor: Balder AgonistesRalph Macchio / Bo Hampton / Bo Hampton / Gregory Wright inedito
Loki: Thy Neighbor's WifeRon Frenz / Jim Valentino / Gary Martin / Mike Rockwitz The Mighty Thor # 15 (Play Press)
Watcher: A Congress of Crowns (Part 1)Peter Sanderson / Mark Bagley / Keith Williams / Marc Siry inedito
15 Sep 1990
Thor: Can Terminus Be Far Behind?Dann Thomas / Roy Thomas / Herb Trimpe / Mark McKenna / Christie Scheele Marvel Extra # 6 (Marvel Italia)
Terminus Factor: Media WatchGary Barnum / Richard Bennett / Richard Bennett / Christie Scheele inedito
Thor: The Return of the Thermal ManRon Frenz / Gary Hartle / Mike DeCarlo / Nel Yomtov inedito
16 Jun 1991
Thor: The Origin of "The Once And Future" ThorRon Frenz / Tom DeFalco / Ron Frenz / Al Milgrom Capitan America & Thor # 0 (Marvel italia)
Thor: The Future Dies NowLen Kaminski / Tom DeFalco / Herb Trimpe / Fred Fredericks / Ed Lazellari inedito
Skyhawk: Fly Like a SkyhawkTom DeFalco / Herb Trimpe / Herb Trimpe / Nel Yomtov inedito
Wind Warrior: Child's PlayTom DeFalco / Herb Trimpe / Herb Trimpe / Nel Yomtov inedito
Beta Ray Bill: World Gone MadMichael Heisler / Kevin West / Bob Petrecca / Suzanne Del'Orto Capitan America & Thor # 0 (Marvel italia)
17 Sep 1992
Thor: The Hammer, the Cross, and the EyeRoy Thomas / Geof Isherwood / Fred Fredericks / Tom Smith Marvel Omnibus # 155 (Panini Comics)
Thor: The Ten Most Heinous Enemies of the Mighty ThorGeorge Caragonne / Kirk Jarvinen / Brad Vancata / Brad Vancata inedito
Thor: Looking For TroubleJohn Lewandowski / Kevin Kobasic / Sam De La Rosa / Sarra Mossoff inedito
Kang: Paradise Lost (Part 2)Peter Sanderson / Rich Yanizeski / Fred Fredericks / Christie Scheele Marvel Omnibus # 155 (Panini Comics)
18 Aug 1993
Thor: Forged in FireRon Marz / Tom Grindberg / John Nyberg / Tom Vincent Marvel Magazine # 1 (Marvel Italia)
Thor: The Flame RekindledRon Marz / Tom Raney / Tom Raney / Greg Rosewall Marvel Magazine # 1 (Marvel Italia)
Beta Ray Bill: StormbreakerRon Marz / Tom Grindberg / Don Hudson / Eva Grindberg Marvel Magazine # 4 (Marvel Italia)
19 Aug 1994
Thor: The Flame and the LightningRoy Thomas / Jerry DeCaire / Romeo Tanghal / Nel Yomtov / Ovi Hondru inedito
Thor: Estranged RelationsGlenn Grenberg / Lou Harrison / Lou Harrison / Lou Harrison Capitan America & Thor # 24 (Marvel italia)
1 Nov 2009
Thor: The Hand of GrogPeter Milligan / Tom Grindberg / Mico Suayan / Stefano Gaudiano Thor # 131 (Marvel Italia)
Thor: The Stone Men from Saturn!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Joe Sinnott Thor # 1 (Editoriale Corno)