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Sword of Sorcery vol 2
DC Comics
Sword of Sorcery vol 2
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 2012
numeri rilasciati: 1-8
numeri catalogati: 9
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie antologica fantasy legata alla linea New 52 ed incentrata sulla principessa Amethys, con storie secondarie dedicate a Beowulf e Stalker.
0 Nov 2012
The Catalyst: HomecomingChristy Marx / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti Dark Universe # 1 (Rw Lion)
Chapter 1: The Perfect SoldierAntony Bedard / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz Dark Universe # 1 (Rw Lion)
1 Dec 2012
The Blood of AmethystChristy Marx / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti Dark Universe # 3 (Rw Lion)
Chapter 2: Iron TrollsAntony Bedard / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz Dark Universe # 2 (Rw Lion)
2 Jan 2013
The Path of HeartChristy Marx / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti Dark Universe # 4 (Rw Lion)
Chapter 3: The GrendelAntony Bedard / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz Dark Universe # 4 (Rw Lion)
3 Feb 2013
Family ReunionAntony Bedard / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz Dark Universe # 5 (Rw Lion)
Chapter 4: Iron TrollsAntony Bedard / Jesus Saiz / Jesus Saiz Dark Universe # 5 (Rw Lion)
4 Mar 2013
Hostile TakeoverChristy Marx / Travis Moore / Karl Story Dark Universe # 6 (Rw Lion)
Damned If You DoMarc Andreyko / Andrei Bressan / Andrei Bressan Dark Universe # 10 (Rw Lion)
5 Apr 2013
Vyrian's TombChristy Marx / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti Dark Universe # 7 (Rw Lion)
Soul to SoulMarc Andreyko / Andrei Bressan / Andrei Bressan Dark Universe # 11 (Rw Lion)
6 May 2013
Devil's BargainChristy Marx / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti Dark Universe # 8 (Rw Lion)
CorneredMarc Andreyko / Andrei Bressan / Andrei Bressan Dark Universe # 13 (Rw Lion)
7 Jun 2013
Eclipso UnleashedMarc Andreyko / Christy Marx / Andrei Bressan / Aaron Lopresti Dark Universe # 8 (Rw Lion)
Hell and BackMarc Andreyko / Andrei Bressan / Chris Sotomayor inedito
8 Jul 2013
Eclipsed!Christy Marx / John Livesay / Aaron Lopresti / Travis Moore Dark Universe # 9 (Rw Lion)