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Superman/Batman Annual
DC Comics
Superman/Batman Annual
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 2006
numeri rilasciati: 1-5
numeri catalogati: 5
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie annuale
Supplemento annuale della serie Superman/Batman
1 Dec 2006
Superman and Batman: Stop Me If You've Heard This One…Joe Kelly / Carlo Barberi / Ed McGuinness / Sean Murphy / Cliff Rathburn / Rodney Ramos / Bob Petrecca / Andy Owens / Don Hillsman / Dexter Vines Superman/Batman (IIa serie) # 7 (Planeta DeAgostini)
2 May 2008
Superman and Batman: The Unexamined Life…Joe Kelly / Scott Kolins / Scott Kolins
3 Mar 2009
Superman and Batman: Compound Fracture!Len Wein / Chris Batista / Mick Gray / Jack Jadson inedito
4 Aug 2010
Superman and Batman: A Time Beyond HopePaul Levitz / Renato Guedes / Jose Wilson Magalhães DC Warner # 17 (Rw Lion)
5 Jun 2011
Superman and Batman: Reign of Doomsday, Part 4: No Exit!James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Miguel Angel Sepulveda Superman: Il ritorno di Doomsday (Rw Lion)