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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
anno inizio serie: 1993
numeri rilasciati: 1-32
numeri catalogati: 32
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
serie dedicata a Star Trek DS9 edita dalla Malibu'
1 Aug 1993
StowawayMike W. Barr / Gordon Purcell / Terry Pallot / Albert Deschesne Star Trek Comics Collection # 37 (RCS Quotidiani)
2 Sep 1993
Stowaway Part IIMike W. Barr / Gordon Purcell / Terry Pallot / Family Fugue Star Trek Comics Collection # 37 (RCS Quotidiani)
3 Oct 1993
Old WoundsMike W. Barr / Rob Davis / Terry Pallot / Mike Giles Star Trek Comics Collection # 37 (RCS Quotidiani)
4 Nov 1993
Emancipation (Part 1)Mike W. Barr / Gordon Purcell / Terry Pallot Star Trek Comics Collection # 37 (RCS Quotidiani)
5 Dec 1993
Emancipation (Part 2)Mike W. Barr / Gordon Purcell / Terry Pallot / Albert Deschesne Star Trek Comics Collection # 37 (RCS Quotidiani)
6 Jan 1994
Field TripMike W. Barr / Rob Davis / Terry Pallot / 'Bu Tones inedito
PickpocketJohn Vornholt / Rob Davis / Terry Pallot / Albert Deschesne / 'Bu Tones inedito
Program 359Colin Clayton / Chris Dows / Rob Davis / Terry Pallot / Lydia Nomura / 'Bu Tones inedito
7 Feb 1994
Working VacationLen Strazewski / Rob Davis / Terry Pallot inedito
8 May 1994
Requiem Mark A. Altman / Gordon Purcell / Scott Reed / Aaron Sowd / Moose Baumann / 'Bu Tones inedito
9 Jun 1994
Requiem IIMark A. Altman / Gordon Purcell / Scott Reed / Larry Welch / Scott Sava inedito
PreludeMark A. Altman / Rob Davis / Terry Pallot / Albert Deschesne inedito
10 Jun 1994
DescendantsDan Mishkin / Leonard Kirk / Terry Pallot / Moose Baumann / 'Bu Tones / Micky Rose inedito
11 Jul 1994
A Short FuseCharles Marshall / Leonard Kirk / Bruce McCorkindale / Moose Baumann inedito
12 Jul 1994
Baby on Board!Charles Marshall / Leonard Kirk / Bruce McCorkindale / Violent Hues / Moose Baumann inedito
13 Aug 1994
LapseCharles Marshall / Leonard Kirk / Bruce McCorkindale / Moose Baumann / 'Bu Tones inedito
14 Sep 1994
Dax's Comet Part 1 Jerry Bingham / Tim Eldred / Bruce McCorkindale / Dennis DeLarosa / Moose Baumann / Barry Gregory / Violent Hues inedito
15 Oct 1994
Dax's Comet Part 2Jerry Bingham / Tim Eldred / Bruce McCorkindale / Barry Gregory / Violent Hues / Janice Wismar inedito
16 Nov 1994
ShanghaiedJohn Vornholt / Leonard Kirk / Jack Snider / Richard Emond / Moose Baumann / Violent Hues / Janice Wismar inedito
17 Dec 1994
ImagesLaurie Sutton / Leonard Kirk / Jack Snider / Violent Hues / Janice Wismar / Moose Baumann inedito
18 Jan 1995
Hearts of OldLaurie Sutton / Leonard Kirk / Jack Snider / Richard Emond / Larry Welch / Barry Gregory / Violent Hues / Janice Wismar inedito
19 Feb 1995
Mission of MercyDan Mishkin / Ken Penders / Arne Starr / Janice Wismar / Violent Hues inedito
20 Mar 1995
Last RemainsDan Mishkin / Ken Penders / Jack Snider / David Mowry / Scott Reed / Barry Gregory / Foodhammer! / Salvador Mancha inedito
21 Apr 1995
Fadeout!Dan Mishkin / Rob Davis / Bruce McCorkindale / Moose Baumann / Foodhammer! / Nathan Potvin inedito
22 May 1995
Star Trek: Deep Space MineDan Mishkin / Terry Pallot / Mike Heilemann / Jennifer Schellinger inedito
23 May 1995
The Search: The Secret of the Lost Orb Part 1Dan Mishkin / Leonard Kirk / Aubrey Bradford / Scott Reed / Larry Welch / Mike Heilemann / Salvador Mancha / Wolfpack inedito
24 Jun 1995
The Secret of the Lost Orb Pt. 2: Acceptable LossesDan Mishkin / Leonard Kirk / John Montgomery / Mike Heilemann inedito
25 Jul 1995
The Secret of the Lost Orb Pt. 3: Gods of WarDan Mishkin / Leonard Kirk / John Montgomery / Malibù Color / Mike Heilemann inedito
26 Jul 1995
Genesis Denied Part 1Chris Dows / Colin Clayton / Rob Davis / Jack Snider / Moose Baumann / Violent Hues / Janice Wismar inedito
Mudd's Pets Part IRandy Lofficier / Jean-Marc Lofficier / Keith Conroy / Larry Welch / Moose Baumann inedito
27 Aug 1995
Genesis Denied Part 2Chris Dows / Colin Clayton / Rob Davis / Jack Snider / Moose Baumann / Malibù Color inedito
Mudd's Pets Part IIRandy Lofficier / Jean-Marc Lofficier / Keith Conroy / Larry Welch / Scott Reed / Moose Baumann inedito
28 Sep 1995
Friend and Foe AlikeDan Mishkin / Leonard Kirk / Terry Pallot / Malibù Color / Moose Baumann inedito
29 Oct 1995
Sole Asylum Part OneMark Paniccia / Rod Whigham / Terry Pallot / Malibù Color / Moose Baumann inedito
Enemies and Allies Part OneMark Paniccia / Tim Russ / Rob Davis / Aubrey Bradford / Malibù Color / Moose Baumann inedito
30 Nov 1995
Sole Asylum Part TwoMark Paniccia / Rod Whigham / Terry Pallot / Moose Baumann / Malibù Color inedito
Enemies and Allies Part Two Mark Paniccia / Tim Russ / Rob Davis / Aubrey Bradford / Moose Baumann / Malibù Color inedito
31 Dec 1995
RememberanceLeonard Kirk / Leonard Kirk / George Cox III / Malibù Color inedito
32 Jan 1996
Turn of the TideChris Dows / Colin Clayton / Terry Pallot / Rob Davis / Craig Gilmore / Mike Heilemann / Malibù Color inedito