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laracelo / pmattera / JUVE1971 / crag

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laracelo su Marvel Deluxe # 96, Deboroh su Ghosted (bimestrale) # 1, Numero95 su Ghosted (bimestrale) # 1, gionnistorm su Zagor Classic # 13, Crimen2007 su Super Eroi Classic # 410,


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Showcase Vol 1
DC Comics
Showcase Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1956
numeri rilasciati: 1-104
numeri catalogati: 104
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Serie antologica che presenta a rotazione personaggi nuovi e minori della DC Comics.
La serie viene pubblicata dal marzo 1956 al settembre 1970 (sospendendo la pubblicazione con il #93), e quindi ripresa per undici numeri dall'agosto 1977 al settembre 1978.
1 Mar 1956
(comic-story): The Story Behind ShowcaseJack Schiff / Win Mortimer inedito
Fireman Farrell: The School for Smoke-EatersArnold Drake / John Prentice inedito
Smoky Stan: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Fireman Farrell: Fire under the Big TopArnold Drake / John Prentice inedito
Varsity Vic: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Bobo Blaze: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Fireman Farrell: Fourth AlarmArnold Drake / John Prentice inedito
2 May 1956
Kings of the Wild: Rider of the Winds!Joe Kubert inedito
(comic-story): Racer from Stone Age to Jet Age!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
Kings of the Wild: Outcast Heroes!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
Kings of the Wild: Runaway BearRuss Heath inedito
3 Jul 1956
Frogmen: "The Frogmen!" Part I: The Making of a Frogman!Robert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
Frogmen: Part II of "The Frogmen!" Flying Frogmen!Robert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
Frogmen: Part III of "The Frogmen!" Silent War!Robert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
4 Sep 1956
Flash: Mystery of the Human Thunderbolt!Robert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Joe Kubert Superalbo Nembo Kid # 31 (Mondadori)
Flash: The Man Who Broke the Time Barrier!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Joe Kubert Albi del Falco # 362 (Mondadori)
5 Nov 1956
Manhunters: The Greatest Villain of All TimeJack Miller / Mort Meskin inedito
Manhunters: The Two Faces of Mr. XJack Miller / Curt Swan / Sy Barry inedito
Manhunters: The Human EelJack Miller / Bill Ely inedito
6 Jan 1957
Challengers of the Unknown: The Secret of the Sorcerer's BoxJack Kirby / Dave Wood / Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby Il Super Eroe # 1 (Editoriale Corno)
7 Mar 1957
Challengers of the Unknown: Ultivac is Loose!Jack Kirby / Dave Wood / Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby Il Super Eroe # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
8 May 1957
Flash: The Secret of the Empty Box!Robert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Frank Giacoia Albi del Falco # 330 (Mondadori)
Flash: The Coldest Man on Earth!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Frank Giacoia Albi del Falco # 331 (Mondadori)
(western-stories): The Race of Wheel and KeelGardner Fox / Gil Kane inedito
9 Jul 1957
Lois Lane: The Girl in Superman's PastJerry Coleman / Al Plastino inedito
Lois Lane: The New Lois LaneOtto Binder / Ruben Moreira / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 360 (Mondadori)
Lois Lane: Mrs. SupermanOtto Binder / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 366 (Mondadori)
10 Sep 1957
Lois Lane: The Jilting of SupermanOtto Binder / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 369 (Mondadori)
Lois Lane: The Sightless Lois LaneJerry Coleman / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 361 (Mondadori)
Lois Lane: The Forbidden Box from KryptonOtto Binder / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 361 (Mondadori)
11 Nov 1957
Challengers of the Unknown: The Day the Earth Blew UpDave Wood / Jack Kirby / Bruno Premiani Il Super Eroe # 3 (Editoriale Corno)
12 Jan 1958
Challengers of the Unknown: Menace of the Ancient Vials!Dave Wood / Jack Kirby / George Klein Il Super Eroe # 4 (Editoriale Corno)
13 Mar 1958
Flash: Around the World in 80 Minutes!Robert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella Albi del Falco # 361 (Mondadori)
Flash: The Master of the Elements!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Frank Giacoia Albi del Falco # 364 (Mondadori)
14 May 1958
Flash: Giants of the Time-World!Robert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Frank Giacoia Albi del Falco # 365 (Mondadori)
Flash: The Man Who Changed the Earth!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Frank Giacoia Albi del Falco # 369 (Mondadori)
15 Aug 1958
Space Ranger: The Great Plutonium PlotGardner Fox / Edmond Hamilton / Bob Brown / Bob Brown inedito
Space Ranger: The Robot PlanetGardner Fox / Edmond Hamilton / Bob Brown / Bob Brown inedito
16 Sep 1958
Space Ranger: The Secret of the Space MonsterGardner Fox / Edmond Hamilton / Bob Brown / Bob Brown inedito
Space Ranger: The Riddle of the Lost RaceGardner Fox / Edmond Hamilton / Bob Brown / Bob Brown inedito
17 Dec 1958
Adam Strange: Secret of the Eternal CityGardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Bernard Sachs DC Classic # 9 (Panini Comics)
Adam Strange: The Planet and the PendulumGardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Bernard Sachs DC Classic # 9 (Panini Comics)
18 Feb 1959
Adam Strange: Invaders from the Atom UniverseGardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Bernard Sachs DC Classic # 9 (Panini Comics)
Adam Strange: The Dozen Dooms of Adam StrangeGardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella DC Classic # 9 (Panini Comics)
19 Apr 1959
Adam Strange: Challenge of the Star-HunterGardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella DC Classic # 9 (Panini Comics)
Adam Strange: Mystery of the Mental MenaceGardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella DC Classic # 9 (Panini Comics)
20 Jun 1959
Rip Hunter..Time Master: Prisoners of 100 Million BC!Dave Wood / Ruben Moreira
Rip Hunter...Time Master: The Modern Day Cavemen. Part 2Dave Wood / Ruben Moreira inedito
Rip Hunter..Time Master: The Great Beast Stampede. Part 3Dave Wood / Ruben Moreira inedito
21 Jul 1959
Rip Hunter, Time Master: Secret of the Lost ContinentJack Miller / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella inedito
Rip Hunter, Time Master: The Forbidden Island: Part 2Jack Miller / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella inedito
Rip Hunter, Time Master: The Doomed Continent: Part 3Jack Miller / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella inedito
22 Sep 1959
Green Lantern: SOS Green LanternJohn Broome / Gil Kane / Joe Giella Albi del Falco # 439 (Mondadori)
Green Lantern: Secret of the Flaming Spear!John Broome / Gil Kane / Joe Giella Albi del Falco # 437 (Mondadori)
Green Lantern: Menace of the Runaway Missile!John Broome / Gil Kane / Joe Giella Albi del Falco # 435 (Mondadori)
23 Nov 1959
Green Lantern: Summons from Space!John Broome / Gil Kane / Joe Giella Classici DC: Lanterna Verde # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Green Lantern: The Invisible Destroyer!John Broome / Gil Kane / Joe Giella Classici DC: Lanterna Verde # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
24 Jan 1960
Green Lantern: The Secret of the Black Museum!John Broome / Gil Kane / Joe Giella Classici DC: Lanterna Verde # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Green Lantern: The Creature That Couldn't Die!John Broome / Gil Kane / Joe Giella Classici DC: Lanterna Verde # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
25 Mar 1960
Rip Hunter, Time Master: Captives of the Medieval Sorcerer: Part 1Jack Miller / Joe Kubert inedito
Rip Hunter, Time Master: The Valley of the Monsters: Part 2Jack Miller / Joe Kubert inedito
Rip Hunter, Time Master: The Sorcerer's Siege: Part 3Jack Miller / Joe Kubert inedito
26 May 1960
Rip Hunter, Time Master: The Aliens from 2,000 B.C: Part 1Jack Miller / Joe Kubert inedito
Rip Hunter, Time Master: Escape from the Doomed Village: Part 2Jack Miller / Joe Kubert inedito
Rip Hunter, Time Master: The War of the Gods: Part 3Jack Miller / Joe Kubert inedito
27 Aug 1960
Sea Devils : The Golden MonsterRobert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
28 Oct 1960
Sea Devils : The Prize Flippers!Robert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
Comic Story: The First Frogman!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
Sea Devils: Undersea Prison!Russ Heath inedito
29 Dec 1960
Sea Devils : Last Dive of the Sea Devils!Russ Heath inedito
Sea Devils: Undersea Scavenger Hunt!Robert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
30 Feb 1961
Aquaman/Aqualad: The Creatures from Atlantis: Part 1Jack Miller / Ramona Fradon inedito
Aquaman/Aqualad: Prisoner of Atlantis: Part 2Jack Miller / Ramona Fradon inedito
Aquaman/Aqualad: The Battle of the Sea Creatures: Part 3Jack Miller / Ramona Fradon inedito
31 Apr 1961
Aquaman/Aqualad: The Sea Beasts From One Million B.CJack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
Aquaman/Aqualad: The Creature Army: Part 2Jack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
Aquaman/Aqualad: The Menace of the Future Fish: Part 3Jack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
32 Jun 1961
Aquaman/Aqualad: The Creature King of the Sea: Part 1Jack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
Aquaman/Aqualad: Captives of the Criminal Creature: Part 2Jack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
Aquaman/Aqualad: The Deadly Land Trap: Part 3Jack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
33 Aug 1961
Aquaman/Aqualad: Prisoners of the Aqua-Planet: Part 1Jack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
Aquaman/Aqualad: The Alien Creature Ambush: Part 2Jack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
Aquaman/Aqualad: King of the Land Creatures: Part 3Jack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
34 Oct 1961
The Atom: Birth of the Atom!Gardner Fox / Gil Kane / Murphy Anderson inedito
The Atom: Battle of the Tiny Titans!Gardner Fox / Gil Kane / Murphy Anderson inedito
35 Nov 1961
The Atom: The Dooms From Beyond!Gardner Fox / Gil Kane / Murphy Anderson inedito
36 Dec 1961
The Atom: Prisoner in a Test Tube!Gardner Fox / Gil Kane / Murphy Anderson inedito
The Atom: The 'Disappearing Act' Robberies!Gardner Fox / Gil Kane / Murphy Anderson inedito
37 Apr 1962
Metal Men: The Flaming Doom: Part 1Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
Metal Men: The Metal Men vs The Flaming Doom!: Part 2 Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
Metal Men: The Metal Men vs The Flaming Doom!: Part 3Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
38 Jun 1962
Metal Men: The Nightmare Menace!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
39 Jul 1962
Metal Men: The Deathless Doom!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
40 Sep 1962
Metal Men: The Day the Metal Men Melted!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
41 Nov 1962
Tommy Tomorrow: Frame-Up at Planeteer Academy Chapter 1Arnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
Tommy Tomorrow: Frame-Up at Planeteer Academy Chapter 2: The Criminal Who Couldn't DieArnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
42 Feb 1963
Tommy Tomorrow: The Brain Robbers of Satellite X: Part 1Arnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
Tommy Tomorrow: The Brain Robbers of Satellite X: Part 2 Masters of the Asteroid BrainArnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
Tommy Tomorrow: The Brain Robbers of Satellite X: Part 3 The Doom FactoryArnold Drake / Lee Elias / Don Heck inedito
43 Mar 1963
James Bond: Dr. NoIan Fleming / Norman Nodel inedito
44 May 1963
Tommy Tomorrow: Tommy Tomorrow -- Wanted for Treason: Part 1Arnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
Tommy Tomorrow: The Fantastic Dr. Klik: Part 2Arnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
Tommy Tomorrow: The Man Who Would Destroy Mars: Part 3Arnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
45 Aug 1963
Sgt. Rock: Sergeants Aren't Born!Robert Kanigher / Joe Kubert inedito
46 Sep 1963
Tommy Tomorrow: Mission to Disaster: Part 1Arnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
Tommy Tomorrow: Mission to Disaster Part 2: The Plot to Kill a Solar SystemArnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
Tommy Tomorrow: Mission to Disaster Part 3: The Palace of PerilArnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
47 Sep 1963
Tommy Tomorrow: Doomsday for Planet Earth: Part 1Arnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
Tommy Tomorrow: Doomsday for Planet Earth: Part 2 Nine Worlds Gone MadArnold Drake / Lee Elias inedito
48 Jan 1964
Cave Carson: Killers of the Dead-End Maze!Bob Haney / Lee Elias inedito
49 Apr 1964
Cave Carson: The Fury of the Fiery AvengerBob Haney / Lee Elias inedito
50 Jun 1964
King Faraday: I -- SpyRobert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Murphy Anderson inedito
King Faraday: Spy TrainRobert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Sy Barry inedito
King Faraday: Hangman's House!Robert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito