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The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1
Marvel Comics
The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 1974
numeri rilasciati: 1-235
numeri catalogati: 235
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Savage Sword of Conan è una serie in formato rivista in bianco e nero, pubblicata a partire dal 1974 dalla Curtis Magazines - un marchio della compagnia americana Marvel Comics - fino al numero 60, e successivamente dalla stessa Marvel. La serie è dedicata alla più famosa creazione di Robert E. Howard, Conan il Barbaro, e ha la particolarità di non essersi dovuta conformarsi all'autorità del "Comics Code".
Roy Thomas è stato lo scrittore principale per i primi anni della serie (fino al numero 60), coadiuvato da illustratori del calibro di Neal Adams, Dick Giordano, Barry Windsor-Smith, John Buscema, Alfredo Alcala, Jim Starlin, Al Milgrom , Pablo Marcos e Walter Simonson. Le copertine dipinte sono state realizzate da artisti quali Earl Norem, Bob Larkin e Joe Jusko.
1 Aug 1974
Curse of the Undead-ManRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Pablo Marcos Conan & Ka-Zar # 17 (Editoriale Corno)
Red Sonja Roy Thomas / Esteban Maroto / Neal Adams / Ernie Chan Conan & Ka-Zar # 36 (Editoriale Corno)
BlackmarkGil Kane / Archie Goodwin / Gil Kane inedito
The Frost Giant's DaughterRoy Thomas / Barry Windsor-Smith Conan # 8 (Editoriale Corno)
2 Oct 1974
Part 1: Black Colossus / Part 2: Hordes of the Veiled One / Part 3: Chariot of the Man-DemonRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan & Ka-Zar # 33 (Editoriale Corno)
Blackmark (Chapter 2)Gil Kane / Archie Goodwin / Gil Kane inedito
The Beast from the AbyssSteve Englehart / Howard Chaykin / Crusty Bunkers inedito
3 Dec 1974
At the Mountain of the Moon-God [Chapter One]Roy Thomas / John Buscema / Pablo Marcos Conan & Ka-Zar # 35 (Editoriale Corno)
[At the Mountain of the Moon-God] Chapter Two: Where Dark Death SoarsRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Pablo Marcos inedito
Chapter III, The Testing of BlackmarkGil Kane / Archie Goodwin / Neal Adams / Gil Kane / Neal Adams / Gil Kane inedito
Kull of AtlantisRobert Erwin Howard / Barry Windsor-Smith / Barry Windsor-Smith Conan # 6 (Editoriale Corno)
Demons of the SummitRoy Thomas / Bjorn Nyberg / Tony DeZuniga / Tony DeZuniga Conan & Ka-Zar # 36 (Editoriale Corno)
4 Feb 1975
Part 1: Iron Shadows in the Moon / Part 2: What Dreams May Come... / Part 3: The Haunting and the HorrorRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan & Ka-Zar # 37 (Editoriale Corno)
Blackmark (Part 4)Archie Goodwin / Gil Kane / Gil Kane / Neal Adams / Gil Kane / Neal Adams inedito
5 Apr 1975
A Witch Shall Be Born / A People Betrayed / The Tree of Death / A Letter to Nemedia / ...And Dwell in Darkness / Wolves of the Desert / The Voice in the Crystal / The Shadow from the TempleRoy Thomas / John Buscema / The Tribe Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 5 (Comic Art)
6 Jun 1975
The Sleeper Beneath the SandsRoy Thomas / Sonny Trinidad Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 2 (Comic Art)
People of the DarkRoy Thomas / Alex Nino Conan # 6 (Editoriale Corno)
7 Aug 1975
The Citadel at the Center of TimeRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan & Ka-Zar # 43 (Editoriale Corno)
Part Two: In the Shadow of FearRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan & Ka-Zar # 43 (Editoriale Corno)
Part Three: Sorcerer's TroveRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan & Ka-Zar # 43 (Editoriale Corno)
Part IV: Into Time's AbyssRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan & Ka-Zar # 44 (Editoriale Corno)
The Hyborian Age - Chapter 1: The Pre-Cataclysmic AgeRoy Thomas / Walter Simonson Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 1 (Comic Art)
8 Oct 1975
The Forever PhialRoy Thomas / Tim Conrad Conan # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
Death-Song of Conan the CimmerianLin Carter / Roy Thomas / Jess Jodloman Conan # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
Sorcerer's SummitBruce Jones / Bruce Jones Conan # 3 (Editoriale Corno)
The Hyborian age: part 2 - The Rise of the Hyborians (17.000-15.000 B.C.)Roy Thomas / Walter Simonson Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 2 (Comic Art)
Conan the Conqueror Part 5: Corsairs Against StygiaRoy Thomas / Gil Kane / Yong Montano Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 45 (Comic Art)
9 Dec 1975
The Curse of the Cat-GoddessRoy Thomas / Pablo Marcos Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 29 (Comic Art)
When a Tiger Returns to AtlantisDoug Moench / Sonny Trinidad inedito
10 Feb 1976
Conan The Conqueror: The Sacred Son of SetRoy Thomas / John Buscema / The Tribe Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 45 (Comic Art)
11 Apr 1976
The Abode Of The DamnedRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Yong Montano Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 1 (Comic Art)
12 Jun 1976
The Haunters of Castle CrimsonRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 2 (Comic Art)
The Hyborian Age: part 3 - The Hyborian Kingdoms (14.000-10.000 A.C.)Roy Thomas / Walter Simonson Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 3 (Comic Art)
13 Aug 1976
The Gods of Bal-SagothRoy Thomas / Gil Kane / Ralph Reese Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 69 (Comic Art)
The Thing in the Temple!Roy Thomas / Gil Kane / Dan Adkins Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 69 (Comic Art)
The Right Hand of DoomDoug Moench / Steve Gan / Black and White La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
14 Sep 1976
Shadows in ZamboulaRoy Thomas / Neal Adams / Tony DeZuniga / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 37 (Comic Art)
The Silver Beast Beyond TorkertownDoug Moench / Mike Zeck / Black and White La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
15 Oct 1976
The Devil in IronRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 3 (Comic Art)
The Hyborian age: part 4 - The Beginning of the End (9,500 B.C.)Roy Thomas / Walter Simonson Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 4 (Comic Art)
16 Dec 1976
The People of the Black Circle / A Barbarian from the Hills / The Sorcery of Khemsa / Reavers of the HillsRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 8 (Comic Art)
The Hyborian Age: part 5 - Fire and Slaughter (9,500 B.C.)Roy Thomas / Walter Simonson Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 5 (Comic Art)
Worms of the Earth [Part I]Roy Thomas / Barry Windsor-Smith / Tim Conrad inedito
[Worms of the Earth] Part II: A Ghost in the NightRoy Thomas / Tim Conrad / Tim Conrad inedito
17 Feb 1977
The People of the Black Circle Part 2: On to Yimsha/The Mountain of the Black SeersRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 10 (Comic Art)
The Hyborian Age: part 6: The Darkness... and the Dawn (9,500 B.C.)Roy Thomas / Walter Simonson Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 6 (Comic Art)
[Worms of the Earth, Part IV] A Toppling of TowersRoy Thomas / Tim Conrad / Joyce Furman / Larry Gaydos / Black and White inedito
18 Apr 1977
The People of the Black Circle Part 3: The Battle of the TowersRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 11 (Comic Art)
Rattle of BonesRoy Thomas / Howard Chaykin / Howard Chaykin La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
19 Jun 1977
The People of the Black Circle Part 4: Vengeance in VendhyaRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 14 (Comic Art)
The Castle of the DevilDon Glut / Alan Kupperberg / Sonny Trinidad La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
20 Jul 1977
The Slithering Shadow Part IRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 58 (Comic Art)
The Slithering Shadow Part II: The Tentacles of ThogRoy Thomas / Roy Thomas / John Buscema / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 60 (Comic Art)
The Slithering Shadow Part III: Xuthal of the DuskRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 60 (Comic Art)
Solomon Kane's HomecomingRoy Thomas / Virgilio Redondo / Rudy Nebres La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
21 Aug 1977
The Horror from the Red TowerRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Sonny Trinidad / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 6 (Comic Art)
22 Sep 1977
The Pool of the Black OneRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Sonny Trinidad Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 11 (Comic Art)
The Dragon at Castle FrankensteinDon Glut / Sonny Trinidad La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
23 Oct 1977
The Pool of the Black One Part 2: Torrent of DoomRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 11 (Comic Art)
The Striking of the GongRoy Thomas / Rick Hoberg / Bill Wray / Black and White inedito
Wizards of the Black SunRoy Thomas / Clara Noto / Frank Thorne / Black and White
24 Nov 1977
The Tower of the ElephantRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 13 (Comic Art)
CimmeriaRobert Erwin Howard / Barry Windsor-Smith / Tim Conrad Conan # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
25 Dec 1977
Jewels of Gwahlur!Roy Thomas / Dick Giordano Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 33 (Comic Art)
The Cold Hands of DeathDon Glut / Steve Gan / Dino Castrillo La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
26 Jan 1978
Beyond the Black RiverRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 15 (Comic Art)
Retribution in BloodDon Glut / David Wenzel / Marilitz La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
27 Mar 1978
Beyond the Black River Part 2: The Children of Jhebbal SagRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 17 (Comic Art)
28 Apr 1978
The Blood of the GodsRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 7 (Comic Art)
29 May 1978
Child of SorceryRoy Thomas / Christy Marx / Ernie Chan Conan # 6 (Editoriale Corno)
The Wizard and Red Sonja ShowFrank Thorne / Frank Thorne inedito
30 Jun 1978
The Scarlet CitadelRoy Thomas / Frank Brunner / Steve Leialoha / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 9 (Comic Art)
31 Jul 1978
The Flame KnifeRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 20 (Comic Art)
32 Aug 1978
The Flame Knife Part 2: The Ghouls of YanaidarRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 24 (Comic Art)
33 Sep 1978
The Curse of the MonolithRoy Thomas / Gene Colan / Pablo Marcos Conan # 6 (Editoriale Corno)
Blades of the BrotherhoodDon Glut / David Wenzel La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
34 Oct 1978
The Lair of the Ice WormRoy Thomas / Carmine Infantino / Alfredo Alcala Conan # 8 (Editoriale Corno)
Moon of the Skulls Part OneDon Glut / David Wenzel / Bill Wray La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
The Mirrors of Tuzun ThuneRoy Thomas / Mike Ploog inedito
35 Nov 1978
Black TearsRoy Thomas / Ernie Chan Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 8 (Comic Art)
A Song of the RaceRobert Erwin Howard / John Buscema / Michael Moyle Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 68 (Comic Art)
36 Dec 1978
Hawks Over ShemRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Alfredo Alcala Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 4 (Comic Art)
37 Feb 1979
Sons of the White WolfRoy Thomas / Sal Buscema / Rudy Nebres Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 10 (Comic Art)
Moon of the Skulls Part TwoDon Glut / David Wenzel La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
38 Mar 1979
The Road of the EaglesRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 12 (Comic Art)
39 Apr 1979
Legions of the DeadRoy Thomas / Sal Buscema / Tony DeZuniga / Black and White Conan # 1 (Editoriale Corno)
Moon of the Skulls Parts Three Don Glut / David Wenzel La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
Moon of the Skulls Parts FourDon Glut / David Wenzel La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
40 May 1979
A Dream of BloodRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 28 (Comic Art)
41 Jun 1979
The Quest For the Cobra CrownRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 29 (Comic Art)
The Return of Sir Richard GrenvilleRoy Thomas / David Wenzel La Saga di Solomon Kane # 2 (Panini Comics)
42 Jul 1979
The Devil-Tree of GamburuRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 30 (Comic Art)
Kings of the Night part 1Roy Thomas / David Wenzel inedito
43 Aug 1979
King Thoth-AmonRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 31 (Comic Art)
Kings of the Night part 2: Roy Thomas / David Wenzel inedito
44 Sep 1979
The Star of KhoralaRoy Thomas / Sal Buscema / Tony DeZuniga / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 17 (Comic Art)
45 Oct 1979
The Gem In the TowerRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 14 (Comic Art)
Master of ShadowsChristy Marx / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga inedito
46 Nov 1979
Moon of BloodRoy Thomas / Ernie Chan / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 16 (Comic Art)
This Sword for HireDon Glut / Hal Santiago Conan # 6 (Editoriale Corno)
47 Dec 1979
The Treasure of TranicosRoy Thomas / Gil Kane / Joe Rubinstein / Black and White Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 56 (Comic Art)
48 Jan 1980
The Treasure of Tranicos, #2: Roy Thomas / John Buscema / Klaus Janson Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 56 (Comic Art)
49 Feb 1980
When Madness Wears the CrownRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 57 (Comic Art)
The Woman from KhitaiDon Glut / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Panini Comics Omnibus # 8 (Panini Comics)
50 Mar 1980
Swords Across the AlimaneRoy Thomas / John Buscema / Tony DeZuniga Conan la Spada Selvaggia # 57 (Comic Art)