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The Rook Magazine
The Rook Magazine
anno inizio serie: 1979
numeri rilasciati: 1-14
numeri catalogati: 14
formato: magazine
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Magazine antologico della Warren dove proseguono le avventure di The Rook, nato sulle pagine di Eerie, oltre ad ospitare altri personaggi.
1 Oct 1979
The Rook: The Original Master of Time Part 1Bill Dubay / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
Buck Blaster and the Starbusters: (untitled)Nicola Cuti / Bill Dubay / Jimmy Janes / Rudy Nebres inedito
The Tin Man: The Time to Be Forgotten!Bill Dubay / Jimmy Janes / Alfredo Alcala inedito
Bolt: (untitled)Richard Margopoulos / Alex Nino / Alex Nino inedito
2 Feb 1980
The Rook: The Original Master of Time! [Part 2]Bill Dubay / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
The Rook: The Fighting ArmenianBill Dubay / Romeo Tanghal / Rudy Nebres inedito
Voltar: Comes the Endtime [Part 1]Bill Dubay / Alfredo Alcala / Alfredo Alcala inedito
3 Jun 1980
The Rook: The Original Master Of Time Part 3Bill Dubay / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
Jesse Bravo: Bravo For Adventure Part 1Alex Toth / Alex Toth / Alex Toth Bravo for adventure - L'integrale (Nona Arte)
Voltar: Comes The End Time Part 2Bill Dubay / Alfredo Alcala / Alfredo Alcala inedito
4 Aug 1980
The Rook: Master Of The World Part 1Budd Lewis / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
Jesse Bravo: Bravo For Adventure Part 2Alex Toth / Alex Toth / Alex Toth Bravo for adventure - L'integrale (Nona Arte)
Voltar: Comes The End Time Part 3Bill Dubay / Alfredo Alcala / Alfredo Alcala inedito
5 Oct 1980
The Rook: Master of the World, part 2Budd Lewis / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
Sigur the Viking: Viking PrinceJosé Ortiz / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
Voltar: Voltar, part 5Bill Dubay / Alfredo Alcala / Alfredo Alcala inedito
6 Dec 1980
The Rook: Master of the World, part 3Budd Lewis / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
Sigur the Viking: Viking Prince, part 2José Ortiz / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
Voltar: Voltar, part 6Bill Dubay / Alfredo Alcala / Alfredo Alcala inedito
7 Feb 1981
The Rook: The Coming of Coral Dane!Bill Dubay / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo inedito
Joe Guy: Joe Guy, America's Foremost Hero!Jim Stenstrum / Abel Laxamana / Abel Laxamana inedito
Voltar: Voltar, part 7Bill Dubay / Alfredo Alcala / Alfredo Alcala inedito
8 Apr 1981
The Rook: The Coming Of Coral Dane, Part 2Bill Dubay / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo inedito
Joe Guy: January 30, 1981.Jim Stenstrum / Abel Laxamana / Abel Laxamana inedito
Kronos: Kronos. Part 1.Lee Elias / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
Voltar: Voltar, Part 8Bill Dubay / Alfredo Alcala / Alfredo Alcala inedito
9 Jun 1981
The Rook: To Checkmate A King!Bill Dubay / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo inedito
Joe Guy: Cardinal Synn, Archfiend Of The Universe!Jim Stenstrum / Abel Laxamana / Abel Laxamana inedito
Kronos: Kronos, part 2Lee Elias / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
Voltar: Voltar, part 9Bill Dubay / Alfredo Alcala / Alfredo Alcala inedito
10 Aug 1981
The Rook: A Time For Love Lost!Bill Dubay / Rudy Nebres / Rudy Nebres inedito
Joe Guy: Dad!Jim Stenstrum / Abel Laxamana / Abel Laxamana inedito
Kronos: Kronos, part 3Lee Elias / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
Sherlock Holmes: The Singular Case Of The Anemic Heir!Bill Dubay / Kevin Duane / Anton Caravana / Anton Caravana inedito
11 Oct 1981
The Rook: A Time For Love Lost, Part 2Bill Dubay / Rudy Nebres / Rudy Nebres inedito
The Protectors: As The Heartsick Adventurer Limps Away...Bill Dubay / Rudy Nebres / Rudy Nebres inedito
Uncle Zorro: Uncle ZorroBill Dubay / José Ortiz / José Ortiz inedito
Kronos: Kronos, Part 4Lee Elias / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
12 Dec 1981
The Rook: The GoblinBill Dubay / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
The Bat: The BatBill Dubay / Nestor Redondo / Nestor Redondo inedito
The Protectors: The Protectors, part 2Bill Dubay / Rudy Nebres / Rudy Nebres inedito
Dagger: Marshmallow Don’t Weep!Don McGregor / Bill Draut / Bill Draut inedito
Eagle: (untitled)John Severin / John Severin / John Severin
13 Feb 1982
The Rook: The Dane Curse!Budd Lewis / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo inedito
The Goblin: The Goblin!Bill Dubay / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
Sherlock Holmes: A Study In ScarletJim Stenstrum / Noly Panaligan / Noly Panaligan inedito
Joe Guy: Air Whale ExpressJim Stenstrum / Abel Laxamana / Abel Laxamana inedito
The Fighting Armenian: The Fighting ArmenianBill Dubay / Rudy Nebres / Rudy Nebres inedito
Eagle: (untitled)John Severin / John Severin / John Severin
14 Apr 1982
The Rook: The Dane Curse, Part 2Budd Lewis / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo inedito
Sherlock Holmes: A Study In Scarlet, Part 2Jim Stenstrum / Noly Panaligan / Noly Panaligan inedito
The Goblin: Goblin NightBill Dubay / Lee Elias / Lee Elias inedito
The Fighting Armenian: HeroesBill Dubay / Rudy Nebres / Rudy Nebres inedito
Eagle: Eagle, Part 3Colin Dawkins / John Severin inedito