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Red Lanterns
DC Comics
Red Lanterns
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 2011
numeri rilasciati: 1-40
numeri catalogati: 41
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie dedicata al corpo delle Lanterne Rosse guidate dal feroce Atrocious
La serie è legata all'operazione The New 52 della DC Comics.
1 Nov 2011
With Blood and RagePeter Milligan / Ed Benes / Robert Hunter / Rob Hunter DC Universe # 3 (Rw Lion)
2 Dec 2011
Pure RagePeter Milligan / Ed Benes / Robert Hunter / Rob Hunter DC Universe # 3 (Rw Lion)
3 Jan 2012
Higher ConsciousnessPeter Milligan / Ed Benes / Robert Hunter / Rob Hunter DC Universe # 3 (Rw Lion)
4 Feb 2012
The DepartedPeter Milligan / Ed Benes / Diego Bernard / Robert Hunter / Rob Hunter DC Universe # 3 (Rw Lion)
5 Mar 2012
KronamaniaPeter Milligan / Ed Benes / Diego Bernard / Robert Hunter / Rob Hunter DC Universe # 3 (Rw Lion)
6 Apr 2012
All Too HumanPeter Milligan / Ed Benes / Diego Bernard / Rebecca Buchman DC Universe # 3 (Rw Lion)
7 May 2012
Rebel YellPeter Milligan / Ed Benes / Diego Bernard / Robert Hunter / Rob Hunter / Mark Irwin / Sal Regla DC Universe # 3 (Rw Lion)
8 Jun 2012
Death on YsmaultPeter Milligan / Andres Guinaldo / Jorge Jimenez / Mark Irwin / Jorge Jimenez DC Universe # 7 (Rw Lion)
9 Jul 2012
ExodusPeter Milligan / Tomás Giorello / Tomás Giorello DC Universe # 7 (Rw Lion)
10 Aug 2012
Two LanternsPeter Milligan / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Rain Beredo DC Universe # 7 (Rw Lion)
11 Sep 2012
Love and HatePeter Milligan / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Miguel Angel Sepulveda DC Universe # 7 (Rw Lion)
12 Oct 2012
NectarPeter Milligan / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Miguel Angel Sepulveda DC Universe # 7 (Rw Lion)
0 Nov 2012
Atrocitus= The Second ProphecyPeter Milligan / Ardian Syaf / Vicente Cifuentes DC Universe # 13 (Rw Lion)
13 Dec 2012
Eyes Without A FacePeter Milligan / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Miguel Angel Sepulveda DC Universe # 13 (Rw Lion)
14 Jan 2013
Home is Where the Heart isPeter Milligan / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Miguel Angel Sepulveda DC Universe # 13 (Rw Lion)
15 Feb 2013
Waking the PastPeter Milligan / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Miguel Angel Sepulveda DC Universe # 13 (Rw Lion)
16 Mar 2013
Once Were EnemiesPeter Milligan / Andres Guinaldo / Bit DC Universe # 13 (Rw Lion)
17 Apr 2013
Wrath of the First Lantern, Part 4: Sympathy for the DevilPeter Milligan / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Miguel Angel Sepulveda Lanterna Verde # 42 (Planeta DeAgostini)
18 May 2013
Wrath of the First Lantern, Part 8: The DecisionPeter Milligan / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Miguel Angel Sepulveda Lanterna Verde # 44 (Planeta DeAgostini)
19 Jun 2013
The Death of AtrocitusPeter Milligan / Will Conrad / Will Conrad Lanterna Verde # 45 (Planeta DeAgostini)
20 Jul 2013
A Death Long Coming…Peter Milligan / Will Conrad / Will Conrad Lanterna Verde # 46 (Planeta DeAgostini)
21 Aug 2013
The New BloodCharles Soule / Alessandro Vitti / Alessandro Vitti DC Universe # 20 (Rw Lion)
22 Sep 2013
The King is RedCharles Soule / Alessandro Vitti / Alessandro Vitti DC Universe # 20 (Rw Lion)
23 Oct 2013
The Butcher's BillCharles Soule / Alessandro Vitti / Jim Calafiore DC Universe # 20 (Rw Lion)
24 Dec 2013
Lights Out, Part 4: Blood BrothersCharles Soule / Alessandro Vitti / Alessandro Vitti Lanterna Verde # 50 (Planeta DeAgostini)
25 Jan 2014
Sphere of InfluenceCharles Soule / Alessandro Vitti / Alessandro Vitti Lanterna Verde Presenta # 1 (Rw Lion)
26 Feb 2014
Red. Dead.Charles Soule / Jim Calafiore / Jim Calafiore Lanterna Verde Presenta # 1 (Rw Lion)
27 Mar 2014
Hot and ColdCharles Soule / Jim Calafiore / Alessandro Vitti / Jim Calafiore / Alessandro Vitti Lanterna Verde Presenta # 2 (Rw Lion)
28 Apr 2014
Red Alert, Part 2Charles Soule / Alessandro Vitti / Alessandro Vitti Lanterna Verde Presenta # 2 (Rw Lion)
29 May 2014
ForeverCharles Soule / Alessandro Vitti / Alessandro Vitti Lanterna Verde Presenta # 3 (Rw Lion)
30 Jun 2014
Judgment Day, Part 1Charles Soule / Jim Calafiore / Alessandro Vitti / Jim Calafiore / Alessandro Vitti Lanterna Verde Presenta # 3 (Rw Lion)
31 Jul 2014
Judgment Day, Part 3Charles Soule / Jim Calafiore / Alessandro Vitti / Jim Calafiore / Alessandro Vitti Lanterna Verde Presenta # 4 (Rw Lion)
32 Aug 2014
Atrocities Part 1: Cry HavocCharles Soule / Jim Calafiore / Jim Calafiore Lanterna Verde Presenta # 4 (Rw Lion)
33 Sep 2014
Atrocities, Part 2: Old BattlesCharles Soule / Alessandro Vitti / Alessandro Vitti Lanterna Verde Presenta # 5 (Rw Lion)
34 Oct 2014
Atrocities, Part 4: RedsendCharles Soule / Jim Calafiore / Alessandro Vitti / Jim Calafiore / Alessandro Vitti Lanterna Verde Presenta # 6 (Rw Lion)
35 Dec 2014
Godhead, Act I, Part 4: God is RedCharles Soule / Jim Calafiore / Jim Calafiore Lanterna Verde Presenta # 7 (Rw Lion)
36 Jan 2015
Godhead Act II, Part 4: BoomCharles Soule / Jim Calafiore / Jim Calafiore Lanterna Verde Presenta # 8 (Rw Lion)
37 Feb 2015
Godhead Act III, Part 4: Forged in BloodCharles Soule / Jim Calafiore / Jim Calafiore Lanterna Verde Presenta # 9 (Rw Lion)
38 Mar 2015
RageLandry Quinn Walker / Jim Calafiore / Jim Calafiore Lanterna Verde Presenta # 10 (Rw Lion)
39 Apr 2015
Hush Li'l BabyLandry Quinn Walker / Jim Calafiore / Jim Calafiore Lanterna Verde Presenta # 11 (Rw Lion)
40 May 2015
HopeLandry Quinn Walker / Jim Calafiore / Jim Calafiore Lanterna Verde Presenta # 12 (Rw Lion)