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Outsiders Vol 1
DC Comics
Outsiders Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1985
numeri rilasciati: 1-28
numeri catalogati: 28
formato: prestige format
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie parallela a Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 ma ambientata un anno dopo. In seguito ristampata in Adventures of the Outsiders Vol 1 dal numero 39.
1 Nov 1985
Nuclear Fear, Part 1: Beginning with a Bang!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Statue of LimitationsMike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
2 Dec 1985
Nuclear Fear Part 2: Family Ties!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Grip of the Untouchables! Part OneMike W. Barr / Steve Lightle / Steve Lightle inedito
3 Jan 1986
Breaking the Bank!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Grip of the Untouchables! Part TwoMike W. Barr / Steve Lightle / Steve Lightle / Adrienne Roy inedito
4 Feb 1986
Cha$ing the Dollar!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
The Gold StandardMike W. Barr / Joe Staton / Joe Staton / Adrienne Roy inedito
5 Mar 1986
A Christmas Carol 1986Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
(Untitled)Mike W. Barr / Trevor von Eeden / Trevor von Eeden / Adrienne Roy inedito
6 Apr 1986
Nothing Can Stop...The Duke Of Oil!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
The Outsiders at BatMike W. Barr / Jim Engel / Jim Engel / Jim Engel inedito
7 May 1986
Assault on Station Markovia!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Outsiders Super-Hero Trading CardsMike W. Barr / Curt Swan / Curt Swan inedito
8 Jun 1986
Ladies DayMike W. Barr / Jan Duursema / Jan Duursema / Adrienne Roy inedito
9 Jul 1986
Bentama Means... Betrayal!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
A Tale of Two KittiesMike W. Barr / Ernie Colon / Ernie Colon / Adrienne Roy inedito
10 Aug 1986
The People's HeroesMike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
High FlightMike W. Barr / Jerry Ordway / Jerry Ordway / Jerry Ordway inedito
11 Sep 1986
No EscapeMike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
All About Halo's AurasMike W. Barr / John Byrne / John Byrne I Grandi Maestri # 3 (Rw Lion)
Swordless SamuraiMike W. Barr / Trevor von Eeden / Trevor von Eeden inedito
12 Oct 1986
Nothin' Left to Lose!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Who's Black and White, and Blonde All Over?Mike W. Barr / Mark Beachum / Gray Morrow / Adrienne Roy inedito
13 Nov 1986
MaroonedMike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
May the Geo-Force Be With You!Mike W. Barr / Jerry Bingham / Jerry Bingham / Adrienne Roy inedito
...Ten MinutesMike W. Barr / Steve Ditko / Jerry Ordway / Adrienne Roy inedito
Bringing Up BabyMike W. Barr / Ernie Colon / Ernie Colon / Carl Gafford inedito
14 Dec 1986
The Looker Murder CaseMike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Starting Over...Mike W. Barr / Mary Wilshire / Mary Wilshire / Mary Wilshire inedito
15 Jan 1987
Biohazard!Mike W. Barr / Dan Jurgens / Mike Gustovich / Adrienne Roy inedito
16 Feb 1987
The Firefly's Blaze of GloryMike W. Barr / Jerome K. Moore / Jerome Moore / Jan Duursema / Al Vey / Jan Duursema / Adrienne Roy inedito
17 Mar 1987
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
18 Apr 1987
Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Carl Gafford inedito
Freeway of Fun Fear!Mike W. Barr / Brian Bolland / Brian Bolland / Adrienne Roy inedito
19 May 1987
The Winds of ChangeMike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Halo, Senior and Katana, Junior!Mike W. Barr / Dan Spiegle / Dan Spiegle / Adrienne Roy inedito
20 Jun 1987
An Ill WindMike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Gross Encounters!Mike W. Barr / Kurt Schaffenberger / Kurt Schaffenberger / Adrienne Roy inedito
21 Jul 1987
Strike Force KobraMike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Meanwhile, Back in Markovia...Mike W. Barr / Curt Swan / Al Vey / Adrienne Roy inedito
22 Aug 1987
Showdown with the Strike Force!Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo / Adrienne Roy inedito
Tales of the OutsidersMike W. Barr / Joe Orlando / Howard Simpson / Jonathan Peterson / Bill Wray / Joe Orlando / Bob Smith / Tom Orzechowski / Bill Wray inedito
23 Sep 1987
...And the Rockets' Red Glare...Mike W. Barr / David Ross / Bob Smith / Adrienne Roy inedito
24 Oct 1987
Night of Camp David!Mike W. Barr / Trevor von Eeden / Erik Larsen / Bill Wray / Erik Larsen / Adrienne Roy inedito
25 Nov 1987
The Eve of DisasterMike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Bill Wray / Liz Berube inedito
26 Dec 1987
...Uneasy Lies the Head...Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Bill Wray / Adrienne Roy inedito
27 Jan 1988
Robot Tyrants of KadeylandMike W. Barr / Erik Larsen / Erik Larsen / Adrienne Roy inedito
28 Feb 1988
... A Land Down UnderMike W. Barr / Erik Larsen / Mark Farmer / Adrienne Roy inedito