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Mystery in Space Vol 1
DC Comics
Mystery in Space Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1951
numeri rilasciati: 1-117
numeri catalogati: 117
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Serie antologica della DC Comics che dal 1955 fino al 1981 presenta storie di fantascienza e racconti del mistero.
1 May 1951
Knights of the Galaxy: Nine Worlds to ConquerRobert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Frank Giacoia inedito
Comic Story: The Mind RobbersJohn Broome / Howard Purcell / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Spores From SpaceGardner Fox / Frank Frazetta inedito
Comic Story: The Men Who Lived ForeverJohn Broome / Alex Toth / Sy Barry inedito
2 Jun 1951
Knights of the Galaxy: Jesse James- Highwayman of Space!Robert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Secret of the AgesEdmond Hamilton / John Giunta inedito
Comic Story: The Comet Peril!Edmond Hamilton / Murphy Anderson inedito
Comic Story: The Micro-Men!Edmond Hamilton / Irwin Hasen / Bob Lander inedito
3 Aug 1951
Knights of the Galaxy: Duel of the Planets!Robert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella / John Giunta inedito
Comic Story: Heroes Out of Time!Manly Wade Wellman / Bob Oksner / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Vengeance of the Moth!Jerry Coleman / Gil Kane / John Giunta inedito
Comic Story: Big House of Space!Manly Wade Wellman / Frank Giacoia inedito
4 Oct 1951
Knights of the Galaxy: Master of DoomRobert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The End of the WorldEdmond Hamilton / Murphy Anderson inedito
Just Imagine: The Rocket Lanes of TomorrowJack Kirby / Joe Simon inedito
Comic Story: The Man Who Walked Through Walls!Edmond Hamilton / Gil Kane / John Giunta inedito
5 Dec 1951
Knights of the Galaxy: Outcast of the Lost World!Robert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Secret of Story of Ray-Gun 64!Gardner Fox / Bob Oksner / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Pool of TimeJerry Coleman / Gil Kane / Joe Giella inedito
6 Feb 1952
Knights of the Galaxy: The Day the World MeltedRobert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
The Boy Who Saved Earth: The Boy Who Saved EarthJohn Osgood / Bob Oksner inedito
The Man Who Hated Science: The Man Who Hated ScienceJack Miller
Cowboy on Mars: Cowboy on MarsManny Rubin / Jim Mooney inedito
7 Apr 1952
Knights of the Galaxy: Challenge of the Robot Knight!Robert Kanigher / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Man Who Weighed Twenty Tons!John Broome / Murphy Anderson / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Case of the Counterfeit Humans!Gardner Fox / John Giunta inedito
Comic Story: The World Where Dreams Come TrueManny Rubin / Alex Toth / Sy Barry inedito
8 Jun 1952
Mystery in Space: It's a Woman's WorldJohn Osgood / Bob Oksner / Bernard Sachs inedito
Mystery in Space: Earth – The Forbidden PlanetGardner Fox / Murphy Anderson inedito
Knights of the Galaxy: Lives of a Rocket LancerDion Anthony / Carmine Infantino
Mystery in Space: Meteor Menace in Space inedito
9 Aug 1952
Comic Story: The Seven Wonders of Space!Gardner Fox / Murphy Anderson / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Perfect Planet!Gardner Fox / Frank Giacoia inedito
Comic Story: The Meteor of Revenge!Jack Miller / John Giunta inedito
Comic Story: The Martian Horse!Manny Rubin / Howard Sherman inedito
10 Oct 1952
Comic Story: The Last Time I Saw Earth!John Broome / Murphy Anderson inedito
Comic Story: The Dream AdventurerGardner Fox / Bob Oksner / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Cosmic Gamble!Gardner Fox / Howard Sherman inedito
Comic Story: Interplanetary Enemy Number One!Gardner Fox / Manny Stallman / John Giunta inedito
11 Dec 1952
Comic Story: The Unknown Spaceman!Gardner Fox / Bob Oksner / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: SOS in Space!Jack Miller / Howard Sherman inedito
Comic Story: Cosmic Capsule!Jack Miller / Murphy Anderson / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Rocketeer for Hire!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Sy Barry inedito
12 Feb 1953
Comic Story: The Sword in the SkyGardner Fox / Murphy Anderson / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Richest Man on 9 PlanetsJack Miller / Bob Oksner / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Human Magnet!Jack Miller / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Great Stone Faces on the Moon!Gardner Fox / Frank Giacoia / Sy Barry inedito
13 Apr 1953
Comic Story: Signboard In Space!John Broome / Gene Colan / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Hothouse World!Gardner Fox / Mort Drucker / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Toy Earth!Sam Merwin / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Planet Nobody Wanted!Gardner Fox / Murphy Anderson / Sy Barry inedito
14 Jun 1953
Comic Story: Hollywood in Space!John Broome / Mort Drucker / Sy Barry inedito
Comic Story: Destination - StarGardner Fox / Carmine Infantino inedito
Comic Story: The Interplanetary RestaurantGardner Fox / Gil Kane / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Earth's Double Invasion!Gardner Fox / Murphy Anderson / John Giunta inedito
15 Aug 1953
(comic-story): The Doom From Station XJohn Broome / Murphy Anderson / Murphy Anderson inedito
(comic-story): The Strange Case of the Disappearing EarthmanCarmine Infantino inedito
(comic-story): Treasure PlanetGil Kane
(comic-story): The Phantom Spaceman!Gil Kane inedito
16 Oct 1953
Comic Story: Honeymoon In SpaceJohn Broome / Murphy Anderson inedito
Comic Story: Interplanetary Insurance, IncorporatedSid Gerson / Carmine Infantino / Sy Barry inedito
Comic Story: The Earthman and the Robot!Sid Gerson / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Planet in Reverse!Sid Gerson / Alex Toth / Frank Giacoia inedito
17 Dec 1953
Comic Story: The Last Mile of SpaceJohn Broome / Murphy Anderson inedito
Comic Story: The Man in the MoonSid Gerson / Frank Giacoia inedito
Interplanetary Insurance, Inc.: The Thought Police!Sid Gerson / Carmine Infantino / Sy Barry inedito
Comic Story: The Magnetic Duel!John Broome / Murphy Anderson inedito
18 Mar 1954
Comic Story: The Chain Gang of SpaceJack Miller / Jerry Grandenetti / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Super-Luck of Mr. Luke!Sid Gerson / Frank Giacoia inedito
Comic Story: The Martian Freak!Arthur Wallace / Gil Kane / Joe Giella inedito
Interplanetary Insurance, Inc.: The Runaway World!Sid Gerson / Carmine Infantino / Sy Barry inedito
19 Apr 1954
Comic Story: The Great Space Train Robbery!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Mad PlanetSid Gerson / Virgil Finlay inedito
Comic Story: The Studio Beyond the Stars!Mort Drucker / Joe Giella inedito
Interplanetary Insurance, Inc.: The Robot Detective of MarsCarmine Infantino / Sy Barry inedito
20 Jun 1954
Comic Story: The Man In the Martian Mask!Sid Gerson / Carmine Infantino / Sy Barry inedito
Comic Story: The Planet of No Return!Sid Gerson / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Boomerang MeteorsOtto Binder / Mort Drucker / Bernard Sachs inedito
Interplanetary Insurance, Inc.: Insomnia Insurance, IncSid Gerson / Carmine Infantino / Sy Barry inedito
21 Sep 1954
Comic Story: Interplanetary Merry-Go-RoundOtto Binder / Sy Barry inedito
Comic Story: Destination Earth!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Space Cabbie: Space-TaxiHoward Sherman inedito
Interplanetary Insurance, Inc.: Rocket-Race Jockey!Sid Gerson / Carmine Infantino inedito
22 Nov 1954
Comic Story: The Square Earth!Otto Binder / Sy Barry inedito
Comic Story: The Man Who Bombed the Sun!Sid Gerson / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Venus Sky-Trap!Sid Gerson / Henry Sharp / Bernard Sachs inedito
Interplanetary Insurance, Inc.: Rescue Through the Fourth DimensionSid Gerson / Carmine Infantino inedito
23 Dec 1954
Comic Story: Monkey-Rocket to Mars!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Trojan Horse of Space!Ed Herron / Sy Barry inedito
Comic Story: Stone-Men of LunaSid Gerson / Henry Sharp / Joe Giella inedito
Interplanetary Insurance, Inc.: The Living Camera!Sid Gerson / Carmine Infantino inedito
24 Feb 1955
Space Cabbie: Hitchhiker of Space!Ed Herron / Howard Sherman inedito
Comic Story: The Planet That Imitated Earth!Sid Gerson / Henry Sharp / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Unearthly Earthman!Ed Herron / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Interplanetary Insurance, Inc.: Duel in the Stars!Sid Gerson / Carmine Infantino inedito
50 Mar 1955
Comic Story: The Runaway Space-Train!Gardner Fox / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Earth...Condemned World!Otto Binder / John Giunta inedito
Comic Story: Riddle of Asteroid 8794!Otto Binder / Frank Giacoia inedito
25 Apr 1955
Comic Story: Station MARS on the AirJohn Broome / Sy Barry inedito
Comic Story: The First Interplanetary FairJohn Broome / Henry Sharp / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Rescue Squad of Tomorrow!Jack Miller / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Interplanetary Insurance, Inc.: The Explosive Man!Sid Gerson / Carmine Infantino inedito
26 Jun 1955
Comic Story: Earth Is the Target!John Broome / Sid Greene / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Calling Space-Doctor Duncan!John Broome / Gene Colan / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: One-Man PlanetBill Finger / Sy Barry inedito
The Space Cabbie: Mystery of the Counterfeit Space-Cabby!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
27 Aug 1955
Comic Story: The Human FishbowlEd Herron / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Mystery of the Runaway Meteor!John Broome / Sy Barry inedito
Comic Story: Rip Van Winkle of SpaceOtto Binder / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Space Cabbie: Interplanetary Parcel of PerilOtto Binder / Gil Kane / Joe Giella inedito
28 Oct 1955
Comic Story: The Radio Planet!Bill Finger / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Journey to the Pygmy World!Otto Binder / Carmine Infantino inedito
Space Cabbie: Space-Flight to DangerOtto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Last Television Broadcast on Earth!Bill Finger / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
29 Dec 1955
Comic Story: Space-Enemy Number One!John Broome / Carmine Infantino inedito
Comic Story: Mystery of the Mind-Reading Jewels!John Broome / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Space Cabbie: The Robot Without a World!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Science-Fiction Story That Saved the Earth!Bill Finger / Carmine Infantino inedito
30 Feb 1956
Comic Story: The Impossible World Named Earth!Otto Binder / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Boomerang World!Otto Binder / Frank Giacoia / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Patent PlanetEdmond Hamilton / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Space Cabbie: The Robinson Crusoe of Space!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
31 Apr 1956
Comic Story: The Day the Earth Split in Two!John Broome / Sid Greene / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Secret of the Scientific Doodads!Joe Samachson / Carmine Infantino inedito
Space Cabbie: Search for the Space Sparklers!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Robot Magician!Gardner Fox / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
32 Jun 1956
Comic Story: Riddle of the Vanishing Earthmen!Gardner Fox / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Secret of the Space-Bomb!Ed Herron / Carmine Infantino inedito
Space Cabbie: The Pea-Pod Planet!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: There's No Place Like Earth!Joe Samachson / Sid Greene / Bernard Sachs inedito
33 Aug 1956
Comic Story: The Wooden World War!John Broome / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Fix-it Men from Outer SpaceJoe Samachson / Carmine Infantino inedito
Space Cabbie: Interplanetary Safari!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Stranger on Earth!Joe Samachson / Sid Greene / Bernard Sachs inedito
34 Oct 1956
(science-fiction): The Man Who Moved The WorldJohn Broome / Sid Greene / Sid Greene inedito
Space Cabbie: Dangerous Journey to EarthOtto Binder / Gil Kane / Joe Giella inedito
(science-fiction): Open the Door, EarthmanOtto Binder / Carmine Infantino / Bernard Sachs Batman (Williams - II) # 13 (Williams Inteuropa)
(science-fiction): Interplanetary Trouble-ShooterEdmond Hamilton / Sid Greene / Bernard Sachs inedito
35 Dec 1956
(comic-story): The Counterfeit EarthOtto Binder / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert
(comic-story): The Man Who Owned the EarthOtto Binder / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Space Cabbie: Secret of the Cabby's MedallionOtto Binder / Gil Kane / Joe Giella inedito
36 Feb 1957
Comic Story: Secret of the Moon Sphinx!Otto Binder / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Earth's Lucky War!Gardner Fox / Sid Greene / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Road to Outer Space!Ed Herron / Carmine Infantino inedito
Space Cabbie: The Expanding Space-TaxiOtto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
37 Apr 1957
Comic Story: The Greatest Thrill on Earth!Edmond Hamilton / Carmine Infantino inedito
Space Cabbie: One-Way Ride to Eternity!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: 21st Century Hercules!Otto Binder / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
38 Jun 1957
Comic Story: The Canals of Earth!Ed Herron / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Man Who Doomed a World!Otto Binder / Carmine Infantino inedito
Space Cabbie: Trail of the Glowing Atoms!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The New Year's Eve of 2000 A.D.Edmond Hamilton / Sid Greene / Bernard Sachs inedito
39 Aug 1957
Comic Story: Sorcerers of Space!John Broome / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Solar Olympics of 3000 A.D.John Broome / Carmine Infantino inedito
Space Cabbie: Through the Time Barrier!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Great Space-War Bluff!Otto Binder / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
40 Oct 1957
Comic Story: Riddle of the Runaway Earth!Otto Binder / Sid Greene / John Giunta inedito
Comic Story: Secret of the Star Warriors!John Broome / Frank Giacoia inedito
Space Cabbie: Interplanetary Speedway!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Lifeboat in Space!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
41 Jan 1958
Comic Story: The Miser of Space!Ed Herron / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Planet That Advanced Backward!Bill Finger / Sid Greene / Bernard Sachs inedito
Space Cabbie: The Anti-Gravity Man!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Vacation on the Moon!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
42 Mar 1958
Comic Story: Secret of the Skyscraper Spaceship!Ed Herron / Carmine Infantino / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Mail Rider to the Stars!John Broome / Sid Greene / John Giunta inedito
Space Cabbie: Follow the Space-LeaderOtto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Dual-Identity World!Otto Binder / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
43 Apr 1958
Comic Story: Invaders from the Space-Satellites!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Charades on the Moon!Gardner Fox / Sid Greene / John Giunta inedito
Space Cabbie: Menace of the Space-Nectar!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: Planet of Doomed Earthmen!Gardner Fox / Sid Greene / Bernard Sachs inedito
44 Jun 1958
Comic Story: Amazing Space-Flight of North America!Otto Binder / Sid Greene / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Menace of the Falling Moon!Otto Binder / John Giunta inedito
Comic Story: Earthman, Go Home!Otto Binder / Carmine Infantino / Bernard Sachs inedito
Space Cabbie: Riddle of the Glowing Space-Cabby!Otto Binder / Bernard Sachs inedito
45 Aug 1958
Comic Story: Flying Saucers Over Mars!Joe Millard / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Space Cabbie: The Luxury Limousine of Space!Otto Binder / Bernard Sachs inedito
Comic Story: The Amazing Trial of Mark Gordon!Gardner Fox / Murphy Anderson / Joe Giella inedito
46 Sep 1958
Comic Story: Mystery of the Moon Sniper!Gardner Fox inedito
Comic Story: The Devil's Island of Space!Joe Millard / Murphy Anderson inedito
Space Cabbie: Search for a Star!Otto Binder / Bernard Sachs inedito
47 Oct 1958
Comic Story: Interplanetary Tug of WarGardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The Surprise Package Planet!Gardner Fox / Murphy Anderson inedito
Space Cabbie: The Riddle of the Rival Space-Cabbies!Otto Binder / Gil Kane / Bernard Sachs inedito
48 Dec 1958
Comic Story: Secret of the Scarecrow World!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: Amazing Mirages of Space!Otto Binder / Murphy Anderson inedito
Comic Story: The False Face Planet!Gardner Fox / Manny Stallman / John Giunta inedito
49 Feb 1959
Comic Story: The Sky-High Man!Otto Binder / Mike Sekowsky / Joe Giella inedito
Comic Story: The 24,000-Hour Day!Otto Binder / Manny Stallman / John Giunta inedito
Comic Story: Dummy That Saved the EarthJohn Broome / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito