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The Maze Agency Vol 1
The Maze Agency Vol 1
anno inizio serie: 1988
numeri rilasciati: 1-23
numeri catalogati: 23
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
The Maze Agency è una serie di fumetti gialli creata da Mike W. Barr che è un appassionato di gialli. Ruota attorno a una coppia di detective Jennifer Mays e Gabe Webb e alle loro avventure dove risolvono enigmi ed omicidi, fino al numero 7 la serie viene pubblicata dalla Casa Editrice Comico poi verrà pubblicato dalla Innovation.
1 Dec 1988
The Adventure Of The Rogue's GalleryMike W. Barr / Adam Hughes / Rick Magyar / Julia Lacquement inedito
2 Jan 1989
Murder--The Lost EpisodeMike W. Barr / Adam Hughes / Rick Magyar / Julia Lacquement inedito
3 Mar 1989
The Case of the Vanishing VehicleMike W. Barr / Adam Hughes / Rick Magyar / Julia Lacquement inedito
4 Mar 1989
The Return of Jack the Ripper?Mike W. Barr / Adam Hughes / Rick Magyar / Julia Lacquement inedito
5 Apr 1989
Death Warmed OverMike W. Barr / Adam Hughes / Al Vey / Julia Lacquement inedito
6 May 1989
Double EdgeMike W. Barr / Joe Staton / Rich Rankin / Julia Lacquement inedito
7 Jun 1989
Hearts of GlassMike W. Barr / Greg Shoemaker / Bill Anderson / Julia Lacquement inedito
8 Dec 1989
A New Lease on DeathMike W. Barr / Adam Hughes / Rick Magyar / Carol VanHook / Kevin Van Hook inedito
9 Feb 1990
The English Channeler Mystery: A Problem in DeductionMike W. Barr / Adam Hughes / Rick Magyar / VanHook Studios inedito
10 Mar 1990
Deadly AnniversaryMike W. Barr / Robb Phipps / Rick Magyar / Susan Gold inedito
11 Apr 1990
...Twas the Crime Before Christmas...Mike W. Barr / Robb Phipps / Rick Magyar / Michele Wolfman inedito
12 May 1990
Murderer's MaskMike W. Barr / Adam Hughes / Rick Magyar / Susan Gold inedito
13 Jun 1990
The Adventure of the Bleeding VenusMike W. Barr / Robb Phipps / Rick Magyar / Susan Gold inedito
14 Jul 1990
Before MidnightMike W. Barr / Robb Phipps / Rick Magyar / Susan Gold inedito
15 Aug 1990
Too Much BlissMike W. Barr / Mike Okamoto / Mike Witherby / Rick Magyar / Susan Gold inedito
16 Oct 1990
Fires of Loves Mike W. Barr / Mary Mitchell / Don Martnec / Paul Worley / Susan Gold inedito
17 Dec 1990
Terrible Swift SwordMike W. Barr / Darick Robertson / Jim Sinclair / Keith Aiken / Susan Gold inedito
18 Feb 1991
This Murder Comes to You LiveMike W. Barr / Scott Clark / John Tighe / Susan Gold inedito
19 Mar 1991
The Adventure of the Mystery LeagueMike W. Barr / Rob Davis / John Tighe / Susan Gold / Michelle Basile inedito
20 May 1991
The Problem of the Devil’s BedchamberMike W. Barr / John Calimee / Michael Avon Oeming / Scott Rockwell inedito
21 Jun 1991
Valentine's SlayMike W. Barr / Mary Mitchell / Mike Witherby / Michelle Basile inedito
22 Jul 1991
Magic & Monsters--and MurderMike W. Barr / Jason Pearson / Mike Witherby / Michelle Basile inedito
23 Aug 1991
Crime in EdenMike W. Barr / Franchesco / Michael Avon Oeming / Michelle Basile inedito