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Journey into Unknown Worlds
Atlas Comics
Journey into Unknown Worlds
Atlas Comics
anno inizio serie: 1950
numeri rilasciati: 1-59
numeri catalogati: 59
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Serie antologica di genere fantascienza/horror lanciata insieme a Adventures into Terror (serie Atlas, 1950), incrementando la linea di fantascienza della Atlas (poi ridimensionata nel maggio 1954 in seguito al fallimento del distributore).
1 Sep 1950
(comic-story): Monster of MoogRuss Heath / Russ Heath inedito
(comic-story): The Strange CarRuss Heath / Russ Heath inedito
(comic-story): The Prisoner of TimeSol Brodsky inedito
(comic-story): The End of the EarthVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
2 Dec 1950
(comic-story): No EscapeGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): When Worlds Collide! inedito
(comic-story): The Sleeping Giants! inedito
(comic-story): The First Rocket!Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
3 Feb 1951
(comic-story): The Land of Missing MenHank Chapman inedito
(comic-story): Planet of Death!George Tuska inedito
(comic-story): The Last ManDon Rico / Dave Berg / Dave Berg inedito
(comic-story): The Metal MonstersPete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson inedito
4 Apr 1951
(comic-story): Return from MarsRuss Heath / Russ Heath inedito
(comic-story): The Man in the CrowdMike Sekowsky / Vince Alascia inedito
(comic-story): The Lost LandJim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
(comic-story): The Train to NowhereHank Chapman / Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
5 Jun 1951
(comic-story): Look -- If You DareBob Brown inedito
(comic-story): Trapped in SpaceMike Sekowsky inedito
(comic-story): The Last PlungeHank Chapman / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): Two Worlds in One!Chic Stone / Chic Stone inedito
6 Aug 1951
(comic-story): The Day that Saturn Struck!Hy Rosen / Hy Rosen inedito
(comic-story): The Voice of DeathArnold Hano / Russ Heath / Russ Heath inedito
(comic-story): The World BelowChristopher Rule / Bill Molno inedito
(comic-story): The Terrible ToyGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
7 Oct 1951
(comic-story): The Men Who Conquered the EarthRuss Heath / Russ Heath inedito
(comic-story): Escape from Death!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
(comic-story): Planet of Terror!Basil Wolverton / Basil Wolverton inedito
(comic-story): The House That Wasn't TherePaul Cooper / Paul Cooper inedito
8 Dec 1951
(comic-story): Face of StonePaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): When a Planet Dies!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
(comic-story): No Return!Russ Heath / Russ Heath inedito
(comic-story): The World BeyondAl Hartley / Al Hartley inedito
9 Feb 1952
(comic-story): The People Who Couldn't Exist!Mike Sekowsky / Mike Sekowsky inedito
(comic-story): The SpacemanAllen Bellman / Allen Bellman inedito
(comic-story): Don't Kill Me Twice!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
(comic-story): Beyond Time!Pete Morisi / Pete Morisi inedito
(comic-story): The Four WallsJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
10 Apr 1952
(comic-story): The UndertakerHank Chapman / Fred Kida / Fred Kida inedito
(comic-story): The Thing in the CellarHarry Lazarus / Harry Lazarus inedito
(comic-story): The Old ManGeorge Tuska / George Tuska inedito
(comic-story): Blood on the MoonCarl Wessler / Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Didn't Exist!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
11 Jun 1952
(comic-story): Frankie Was Afraid!Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
(comic-story): Kiss of DeathBernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
(comic-story): Once Upon a CorpseMarty Elkin / Gil Kane / Marty Elkin inedito
(comic-story): I Can't Stop ScreamingDick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
(comic-story): The Neat TrickHarry Lazarus / George Klein inedito
12 Aug 1952
(comic-story): The Last Voice You HearGeorge Roussos / George Roussos inedito
(comic-story): The Terrible Truth!Ed Goldfarb / Bob Baer inedito
(comic-story): Tick TockBill Benulis / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): The Perfect MateMarty Elkin / Marty Elkin inedito
(comic-story): Water, Water Everywhere!Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
13 Oct 1952
(comic-story): Witch WomanCarmine Infantino / Sy Barry inedito
(comic-story): The Thing in the GraveyardJack Keller / Jack Keller inedito
(comic-story): It Waits in the BoxManny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
(comic-story): The BookwormsHank Chapman / Ed Robbins / Ed Robbins inedito
14 Dec 1952
(comic-story): The Lighthouse GhostStan Lee / George Tuska / George Tuska inedito
(comic-story): One of Our Graveyards Is Missing!Daniel Keyes / Basil Wolverton / Basil Wolverton inedito
(comic-story): One Little MistakeEd Moline / Ed Moline inedito
(comic-story): The ScarecrowBill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
(comic-story): The SpyLouis Zansky / Louis Zansky inedito
15 Feb 1953
(comic-story): Wanted...One Werewolf!Carl Wessler / Tony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
(comic-story): SwamplandJack Keller / Jack Keller inedito
(comic-story): The UnknownStan Lee / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
(comic-story): The Big Man!Louis Zansky / Louis Zansky inedito
(comic-story): They Crawl By Night!Daniel Keyes / Basil Wolverton / Basil Wolverton inedito
16 Mar 1953
(comic-story): The Hermit in the HillsCal Massey / Cal Massey inedito
(comic-story): Scared to Death!Tony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
(comic-story): The Masterpiece!Stan Lee / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
(comic-story): The Devil's Good Deed!Al Luster / Al Luster inedito
(comic-story): Deadline!John Rosenberger / John Rosenberger inedito
17 Apr 1953
(comic-story): The Ice Monster Cometh!Carl Wessler / Gene Colan / Gene Colan Hulk e i Difensori # 9 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): The Lost CitySheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff Eureka Pocket # 38 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Harry's HideoutCarl Hubbell / Carl Hubbell Eureka Pocket # 25 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Tough GuyJohn Rosenberger / John Rosenberger inedito
(comic-story): The Great Disappointment!Stan Lee / Russ Heath / Russ Heath inedito
18 May 1953
(comic-story): The Broth Needs Some Body!Tony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
(comic-story): It Can Happen HereEd Goldfarb inedito
(comic-story): If I Breathe...I Die!Hy Fleishman / Sol Brodsky / Hy Fleishman / Sol Brodsky inedito
(comic-story): The Terrible Torture!Sheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
(comic-story): Dugan and the DummyLarry Woromay / Matt Fox inedito
19 Jun 1953
(comic-story): The Man with a KnifeGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): Beelzebub!Larry Woromay / Matt Fox inedito
(comic-story): The RivalsAl Luster / Al Luster inedito
(comic-story): The Man from Another World!Bob McCarty / Bob McCarty inedito
(comic-story): The Long WaitSam Kweskin / Sam Kweskin inedito
20 Jul 1953
(comic-story): Bwana Brown!Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): The Son of RasputinRuss Heath / Russ Heath inedito
(comic-story): The Secret of Asteroid #85!Stan Lee / Gil Evans / Gil Evans inedito
(comic-story): A Monument to Mortimer!Hy Fleishman / Hy Fleishman inedito
(comic-story): The Race That VanishedDon Perlin / Don Perlin inedito
21 Aug 1953
(comic-story): The Most Hated Man in the WorldJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
(comic-story): What's Going On Here?Chuck Winter / Chuck Winter inedito
(comic-story): Someone Isn't ThereBob McCarty / Bob McCarty inedito
(comic-story): Modern ArtDon Rico / Don Rico inedito
(comic-story): The Dead of WinterMike Sekowsky / Matt Fox inedito
22 Sep 1953
(comic-story): The Death HouseRuss Heath / Russ Heath inedito
(comic-story): Two Frightened People!Hy Rosen / Hy Rosen inedito
(comic-story): Davey and His DameCal Massey / Cal Massey inedito
(comic-story): The Devil's Day Off!Stan Lee / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
(comic-story): Too Timid to LiveJohn Forte / Matt Fox inedito
23 Dec 1953
(comic-story): The Vampire's FangsPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): The Men from EarthMac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
(comic-story): The World's End!Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): Weather BalloonsArt Peddy / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): Crashing Through the Time Barrier!Russ Heath / Russ Heath inedito
24 Feb 1954
(comic-story): EarthJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
(comic-story): The Mummy Lives!Tony DiPreta / Mike Esposito inedito
(comic-story): Getaway!Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
(comic-story): The SpecimenChuck Winter / Chuck Winter inedito
(comic-story): The Voice from VenusRobert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
25 Mar 1954
(comic-story): The Castle of Shadows!Doug Wildey / Doug Wildey inedito
(comic-story): When Death Comes A-CallingAl Luster inedito
(comic-story): The World WithinRobert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
(comic-story): One Extra HeadDan Loprino / Dan Loprino inedito
(comic-story): From Under the Earth!Chuck Winter / Chuck Winter inedito
26 Apr 1954
(comic-story): The Haunted HousePete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson inedito
(comic-story): UnharmedBob McCarty / Bob McCarty inedito
(comic-story): It Floats in SpaceBill Savage / Bill Savage inedito
(comic-story): The Hiding PlaceSeymour Moskowitz / Seymour Moskowitz inedito
(comic-story): BetrayalBob Forgione / Bob Forgione inedito
27 May 1954
(comic-story): Somewhere Waits the Vampire!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman
(comic-story): Man AloneEdmond Good / Edmond Good inedito
(comic-story): Man in the Wall!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): So Long, Sam!John Rosenberger / John Rosenberger inedito
(comic-story): Who Am I?Sid Check / Sid Check inedito
28 Jun 1954
(comic-story): The Creature!Pete Tumlinson / Pete Tumlinson inedito
(comic-story): The Missing Men!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): Brain WashBill Savage / Bill Savage inedito
(comic-story): The Corpse Lives!Seymour Moskowitz / Seymour Moskowitz inedito
(comic-story): The Vampires' Master!Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
29 Jul 1954
(comic-story): The Man Who Wouldn't Talk!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): Werewolf Tale to End All Werewolf Tales!Paul Hodge / Paul Hodge Dracula # 16 (Editoriale Corno)
Dracula: Of Royal Blood!Tony Mortellaro / Tony Mortellaro
(comic-story): Third Grave on the Right ..."Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
(comic-story): The Heritage!Gene Colan inedito
30 Aug 1954
(comic-story): The Madman!Mort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
(comic-story): Reincarnation!Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
(comic-story): Android!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
(comic-story): You Think Too Loud!Al Carreno / Al Carreno inedito
(comic-story): The Fear!Jay Scott Pike / Jay Scott Pike inedito
31 Oct 1954
(comic-story): Who's Dead?Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): The Strange Man!Tony Mortellaro / Tony Mortellaro inedito
(comic-story): The Captive!Don Perlin / Don Perlin inedito
(comic-story): The Worm Men!Dan Loprino / Dan Loprino inedito
(comic-story): No Place to Hide!Ed Robbins / Ed Robbins inedito
32 Dec 1954
(comic-story): The Monstrous MarriageGeorge Olesen / George Olesen inedito
(comic-story): Don't Touch!Tony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
(comic-story): Dream Girl!Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
(comic-story): Hunger Pains!Myron Fass / Myron Fass inedito
(comic-story): The Miracle Man!Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
33 Feb 1955
(comic-story): The Man in the Box!Bill Benulis / Jack Abel Capitan America # 81 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Bomb BlastManny Stallman / John Giunta inedito
(comic-story): The Pen PalLou Cameron / Lou Cameron inedito
(comic-story): Those Who ListenHoward Post / Howard Post inedito
(comic-story): Half-HumanBob Forgione / Bob Forgione inedito
34 Apr 1955
Santa Claus: The Lady Who BelievedBill Benulis / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): Personality ZeroPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): When Ends the DreamAngelo Torres / Angelo Torres / Frank Frazetta inedito
(comic-story): Double or NothingEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Vanished!Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert inedito
35 Jun 1955
(comic-story): The Masters!Mort Drucker / Mort Drucker inedito
(comic-story): The Magic TouchCarl Wessler / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): The Man In The MirrorJack Katz / Christopher Rule inedito
(comic-story): Johnny's Flying SaucerAngelo Torres / Frank Frazetta inedito
(comic-story): There Are Such ThingsTony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
36 Aug 1955
(comic-story): The GiantsPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): Calculated RiskMac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
(comic-story): Down to the Sea!Jack Katz / Christopher Rule inedito
(comic-story): Flying Saucer!Manny Stallman / John Giunta inedito
(comic-story): The Wonder Maker!Sid Greene / Sid Greene inedito
37 Sep 1955
(comic-story): The Man Who Didn't Exist!Carl Wessler / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): Those Who Dream!Art Peddy inedito
(comic-story): The Wreckers!Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
(comic-story): The Ship That Wasn't There!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): Man Alone!John Forte inedito
38 Oct 1955
(comic-story): Who Speaks to Sorcerers?John Severin / John Severin inedito
(comic-story): The MartiansMort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
(comic-story): But Don't Go Near the WaterEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Changed Things!Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
(comic-story): The Green Man!John Forte / John Forte inedito
39 Nov 1955
(comic-story): Escape to NowhereGene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): The New GimmickCarl Wessler / Bob Forgione / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): The Red WorldMort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
(comic-story): Under His Hat!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): The Mystery That Couldn't Be Solved!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
40 Dec 1955
(comic-story): Who Dwells Inside the Mountain?Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
(comic-story): Not Quite Human!Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
(comic-story): In Your HatCarl Wessler / Mort Lawrence / Mort Lawrence inedito
(comic-story): The House of Secrets!Carl Wessler / John Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): He Went Too FarCarl Wessler / Art Peddy / Art Peddy inedito
41 Jan 1956
(comic-story): He Hides in the Night!Carl Wessler / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): He Never Grew Old!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): It Happened to Finnegan!Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
(comic-story): The Living Dream!Carl Wessler / John Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): The Flying Saucers!Carl Wessler / Bill Everett / Bill Everett inedito
42 Feb 1956
(comic-story): The Village That Cried!Syd Shores / Syd Shores inedito
(comic-story): Mental BlockBob Forgione / Jack Abel inedito
(comic-story): What Lurks Out There!Bob Powell / Bob Powell inedito
(comic-story): The Man-HuntersJim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
(comic-story): Life Or DeathBob Brown / Bob Brown inedito
43 Mar 1956
(comic-story): The Man Who Couldn't Be Reached!Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
(comic-story): The Terrible Treasure!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
(comic-story): The Sea Waits for Me!Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers inedito
(comic-story): Forever Is Too LongCarl Wessler / Dave Berg / Dave Berg inedito
(comic-story): No Sign of Life!Doug Wildey / Doug Wildey inedito
44 Apr 1956
(comic-story): Someone is Waiting!Bob Forgione / Bob Forgione inedito
(comic-story): Where the Dinosaurs RoamBob Powell inedito
(comic-story): The Blue Men!Carl Wessler / John Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): The Wrong World!Carl Wessler / Carl Burgos / Carl Burgos inedito
(comic-story): Enchanted Town!Carl Wessler / Joe Orlando / Joe Orlando inedito
(comic-story): They Come By NightCarl Wessler / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
45 May 1956
(comic-story): The Night VisitorCarl Wessler / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
(comic-story): The World Beneath the SeaAl Williamson / Gray Morrow inedito
(comic-story): Journey of No ReturnBob McCarty / Bob McCarty inedito
(comic-story): The Derelict in SpaceEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): ...And Never Come BackCarl Wessler / George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
(comic-story): Man Against the MoonJohn Forte / John Forte inedito
46 Jun 1956
(comic-story): The Specimen!Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
(comic-story): Three Were Lost!Dario Carrasco Jr / Vic Carrabotta inedito
(comic-story): If Worlds CollideCarl Wessler / John Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): Rain from Nowhere!Carl Wessler / Bob Bean inedito
(comic-story): Falling Star!Kurt Schaffenberger / Kurt Schaffenberger inedito
(comic-story): The GiantsBob Forgione / Jack Abel inedito
47 Jul 1956
(comic-story): They Wait in the ShadowsBob Forgione / Bob Forgione
(comic-story): The Iron MenCarl Wessler / Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
(comic-story): The Girl Who VanishedSyd Shores / Syd Shores inedito
(comic-story): No EscapeCarl Wessler / Mac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
(comic-story): The StrangersHerb Familton / Herb Familton inedito
(comic-story): A World There WasGeorge Roussos / George Roussos inedito
48 Aug 1956
(comic-story): Which World Is This?Carl Wessler / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): The Handy ManGray Morrow / Gray Morrow inedito
(comic-story): Don't Leave Me AloneReed Crandall / Reed Crandall inedito
(comic-story): Fair Exchange!Howard O'Donnell / Howard O'Donnell inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Framed the Future!Carl Wessler / Frank Bolle / Frank Bolle inedito
(comic-story): UnwantedSid Check / Sid Check inedito
49 Sep 1956
(comic-story): Invasion of the Metal Men!Carl Wessler / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
(comic-story): I Am Nobody!John Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): The Moon For Sale!Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
(comic-story): For Ever and EverKurt Schaffenberger / Kurt Schaffenberger inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Never Was!Carl Wessler / Harry Lazarus / Harry Lazarus inedito
(comic-story): Address Unknown!Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
50 Oct 1956
(comic-story): The Fog!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): I Entered the Forbidden Land!Herb Familton / Herb Familton inedito
(comic-story): When the City TrembledCarl Wessler / Reed Crandall / Reed Crandall inedito
(comic-story): Stranger Than Fiction!Carl Wessler / John Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): QuarantineWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
(comic-story): CyclopsJack Davis / Jack Davis