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Justice League International Vol 2
DC Comics
Justice League International Vol 2
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1993
numeri rilasciati: 51-68
numeri catalogati: 18
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Seguito di Justice League Europe Vol 1, di cui continua la numerazione.
51 Jun 1993
The New WorldGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Ron Randall / Randy Elliott / Gene D'Angelo inedito
52 Jul 1993
All Is MayaGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Ron Randall / Randy Elliott / Gene D'Angelo inedito
53 Aug 1993
Deadly LiaisonsGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Ron Randall / Randy Elliott / Gene D'Angelo inedito
54 Sep 1993
ImpostorsGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Ron Randall / Aaron McClellan / Gene D'Angelo inedito
55 Sep 1993
Lest Darkness FallGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Ron Randall / Roy Richardson / Gene D'Angelo inedito
56 Oct 1993
AmbushGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Ron Randall / Roy Richardson / Gene D'Angelo inedito
57 Oct 1993
Inferno!Gerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Mike Collins / Romeo Tanghal / Gene D'Angelo inedito
58 Nov 1993
NocturneGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Ron Randall / Roy Richardson / Gene D'Angelo inedito
59 Dec 1993
Ordinary PeopleGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Ron Randall / Roy Richardson / Gene D'Angelo inedito
60 Jan 1994
Out of the FutureGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Ron Randall / Roy Richardson / Gene D'Angelo inedito
61 Feb 1994
Born of Man and WomanGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Chuck Wojtkiewicz / Craig Gilmore / Gene D'Angelo inedito
62 Mar 1994
The SacrificeGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Chuck Wojtkiewicz / Michael Avon Oeming / Rich Rankin / Don Hillsman / Gene D'Angelo inedito
63 Apr 1994
Visions of DeathGerard Jones / Will Jacobs / Chuck Wojtkiewicz / Bob Dvorak / Rich Rankin / Gene D'Angelo inedito
64 May 1994
Immortal TruthGerard Jones / Chuck Wojtkiewicz / Craig Gilmore / Gene D'Angelo inedito
65 Jun 1994
Judgment Day Part 3: A Whole New Ball GameGerard Jones / Chuck Wojtkiewicz / Bob Dvorak / Robert Jones / Rich Rankin / Gene D'Angelo inedito
66 Jul 1994
Judgment Day Part 6: All Out of TimeGerard Jones / Chuck Wojtkiewicz / Bob Dvorak / Gene D'Angelo inedito
67 Aug 1994
Family TroublesGerard Jones / Anthony Williams / Luke McDonnell / Gene D'Angelo inedito
68 Sep 1994
TriumphChristopher Priest / Phil Jimenez / John Stokes / Gene D'Angelo inedito