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Hawkworld Vol 2
DC Comics
Hawkworld Vol 2
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1990
numeri rilasciati: 1-32
numeri catalogati: 32
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie regolare che continua le vicende narrate in Hawkworld Vol 1
1 Jun 1990
PredatorsJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
2 Jul 1990
Enter ... Hawkman!John Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
3 Aug 1990
Winged FuryJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
4 Sep 1990
PartnersJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
5 Oct 1990
War of the ShadowsJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Graham Nolan / Rick Burchett / Sam Parsons inedito
6 Nov 1990
Strange WorldsJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
7 Jan 1991
Birds of PreyJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Graham Nolan / Gary Kwapisz / Sam Parsons inedito
8 Feb 1991
TalonsJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Graham Nolan / Gary Kwapisz / Sam Parsons inedito
9 Mar 1991
Hawkwoman Caged!John Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Graham Nolan / Gary Kwapisz / Sam Parsons inedito
10 Apr 1991
ImagesJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Gary Kwapisz / Sam Parsons inedito
11 May 1991
Eight Miles HighJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Gary Kwapisz / Sam Parsons inedito
12 Jun 1991
Rebels and RoguesJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Gary Kwapisz / Sam Parsons inedito
13 Jul 1991
Wall Street RaiderJohn Ostrander / Tom Mandrake / Tom Mandrake / Sam Parsons inedito
14 Aug 1991
Gods and DevilsJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
15 Sep 1991
The Hounds of the GodsJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
16 Oct 1991
Brothers and SistersJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
17 Nov 1991
The Evil Men DoJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
18 Dec 1991
Scourge of God!John Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
19 Jan 1992
Kill the Guilty!John Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Graham Nolan / Sam Parsons inedito
20 Feb 1992
Sirius MattersJohn Ostrander / Gary Kwapisz / Gary Kwapisz / Sam Parsons inedito
21 Mar 1992
Escape from Thanagar Part One of FiveJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Rick Bryant / Sam Parsons inedito
22 Apr 1992
Escape from Thanagar Part Two of FiveJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Rick Bryant / Sam Parsons inedito
23 Jun 1992
Escape from Thanagar Part Three of FiveJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Rick Bryant / Sam Parsons inedito
24 Jul 1992
Escape from Thanagar Part Four of FiveJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Rick Bryant / Carlos Garzon / Sam Parsons inedito
25 Aug 1992
Escape from Thanagar Part Five of FiveJohn Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Rick Bryant / Sam Parsons inedito
26 Sep 1992
Won't Get Fooled Again!John Ostrander / Graham Nolan / Tim Bradstreet / Bob Dvorak / Sam Parsons inedito
27 Oct 1992
Flight's End Part 1: The Dark RoadJohn Ostrander / Jan Duursema / Rick Bryant / Sam Parsons inedito
28 Nov 1992
Flight's End Part 2: BackfireJohn Ostrander / Jan Duursema / Rick Bryant / Sam Parsons inedito
29 Dec 1992
Flight's End Part 3: Into the FlamesJohn Ostrander / Jan Duursema / Robert Jones / Sam Parsons inedito
30 Jan 1993
Flight's End Part 4: The HuntJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Tim Bradstreet / Sam Parsons inedito
31 Feb 1993
Flight's End Part 5: ThrashJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Tim Bradstreet / Sam Parsons inedito
32 Mar 1993
Flight's End: Final ChapterJohn Ostrander / Timothy Truman / Tim Truman / Tim Bradstreet / Sam Parsons inedito