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Riwap / Blackblood / Deboroh / JUVE1971 / Guardian / BEBO34

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Deboroh su Cosmo Serie Rossa # 3, gionnistorm su Cosmo Serie Rossa # 3, majinberto su Disney Special Events # 48SP, Deboroh su The Intimates # 11, Guardian su The Intimates # 11,


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anno inizio serie: 1993
numeri rilasciati: 1-18
numeri catalogati: 18
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie regolare durata 18 numeri ambientata nell'Ultraverse Malibu. I protagonisti sono un gruppo di giovani fuggiaschi alle prese con dei poteri che li hanno resi , loro malgrado , dei reietti.
1 Jul 1993
FreakedGerard Jones / Ben Herrera / Mike Christian Ultraverse Freex # 1 (General Press)
2 Aug 1993
Blown ApartGerard Jones / Ben Herrera / Mike Christian Ultraverse Freex # 2 (General Press)
3 Sep 1993
TargetsGerard Jones / Ben Herrera / Mike Christian / Jasen Rodriguez Ultraverse Freex # 3 (General Press)
4 Oct 1993
HoundedGerard Jones / David Williams / Mike Christian Ultraverse Freex # 4 (General Press)
5 Nov 1993
Up Against the WallGerard Jones / Ben Herrera / Larry Welch Ultraverse Freex # 5 (General Press)
6 Dec 1993
Who Do You Trust?Steve Englehart / Gerard Jones / Ben Herrera / Mike Christian / Jasen Rodriguez / Keith Conroy / Violent Hues inedito
7 Jan 1994
Too Much PressureGerard Jones / Ben Herrera / Mike Christian / Violent Hues / Robert Alvord inedito
8 Feb 1994
In the Garden of the LostGerard Jones / Ben Herrera / Mike Christian / Violent Hues / Micky Rose / Moose Baumann inedito
9 Mar 1994
To Freak Or Not To FreakGerard Jones / Martin Egeland / Tim Roddick / Micky Rose / Violent Hues / Robert Alvord inedito
10 Apr 1994
We Don't Need No EducationGerard Jones / Ben Herrera / Mike Christian / Micky Rose / Violent Hues inedito
11 May 1994
Love and SlaveryGerard Jones / Ben Herrera / Mike Christian / Micky Rose / Violent Hues inedito
12 Aug 1994
Destiny Trail, Part 2: Monster TownGerard Jones / Scott Kolins / Jon Holdredge / Micky Rose / Keith Conroy / Violent Hues inedito
13 Sep 1994
Destiny Trail, Part 3: The ChoiceGerard Jones / Scott Kolins / Micky Rose / Tim Divar / Emily Yoder / Violent Hues inedito
14 Oct 1994
The Destiny Trail ConclusionGerard Jones / Scott Kolins / Jon Holdredge / Robert Alvord / Violent Hues / Emily Yoder inedito
15 Nov 1994
Death AxisGerard Jones / Scott Kolins / Jon Holdredge / Scott Reed / Violent Hues / Emily Yoder / Janice Wismar inedito
16 Dec 1994
Saying GoodbyesGerard Jones / Klebs de Moura e Silva / Rick Magyar / Jasen Rodriguez / Violent Hues / Emily Yoder / Janice Wismar inedito
17 Jan 1995
Call Him Mr. ThebesGerard Jones / Scott Kolins / Jon Holdredge / Scott Reed / Violent Hues / Emily Yoder inedito
18 Mar 1995
Forever in DarknessGerard Jones / Steve Ellis / Robert Hunter / Rob Hunter / Barry Gregory / Foodhammer! inedito