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Elementals (Vol 1)
Elementals (Vol 1)
anno inizio serie: 1984
numeri rilasciati: 1-29
numeri catalogati: 29
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Willingham ha creato un nuovo universo con questa squadra. La squadra era composta da Fathom, Vortex, Morningstar e Monolith corrispondenti ad Acqua, Aria, Fuoco e Terra. Per ottenere poteri sovrumani in questo universo i personaggi devono prima morire.
1 Nov 1984
The Natural Order Chapter One: The Spontaneous GenerationBill Willingham / Michael J. Wolff / Bill Willingham / Jeffrey Alan Dee / Sam De La Rosa / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Rich Rankin / Bill Anderson / Eric Merill inedito
2 Dec 1984
The Natural Order Chapter One: Angel Of LightBill Willingham / Bill Willingham / Rich Rankin / Matt Wagner inedito
3 Jan 1985
The Natural Order Chapter Three: Birds Of PreyBill Willingham / Bill Willingham / Rich Rankin / Janet Jackson inedito
4 Jun 1985
The Natural Order Chapter Four: The Mean SeasonsBill Willingham / Jack Herman / Bill Willingham / Rich Rankin / Kurt Mausert inedito
5 Dec 1985
The Natural Order: Riders On The StormBill Willingham / Jack Herman / Bill Willingham / Rich Rankin / Kurt Mausert inedito
6 Feb 1986
Body CountBill Willingham / Jack Herman / Bill Willingham / Rich Rankin / Kurt Mausert inedito
7 Apr 1986
CloutBill Willingham / Jack Herman / Bill Willingham / Rich Rankin / Kurt Mausert inedito
8 Jun 1986
Tainted LoveBill Willingham / Jack Herman / Bill Willingham / Rich Rankin / Kurt Mausert inedito
9 Aug 1986
FameBill Willingham / Jack Herman / Mike Mignola / Stephen Bissette / Jacob Pander / Arnold Pander / Mike Harris / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Rich Rankin / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
10 Oct 1986
When the Bullet Hits the Bone...Jack Herman / Bill Willingham / Bill Willingham / Rich Rankin / Kurt Mausert inedito
11 Dec 1986
The Disordered ManJack Herman / Bill Willingham / Bill Willingham / Rich Rankin / Kurt Mausert inedito
12 Feb 1987
HalflifeBill Willingham / Bill Willingham / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
13 Apr 1987
Ice AgeBill Willingham / Jack Herman / Bill Willingham / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
14 Jun 1987
Lifestyles of the Dead and FamousJack Herman / Bill Willingham / Bill Willingham / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
15 Jul 1987
The Quick and the DeadBill Willingham / Grant Miehm / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
16 Aug 1987
Vampire BluesBill Willingham / Jack Herman / Bill Willingham / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
17 Sep 1987
The Adventures of Captain CadaverBill Willingham / Bill Willingham / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
18 Oct 1987
Born AgainBill Willingham / Grant Miehm / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
19 Nov 1987
Born AgainBill Willingham / Grant Miehm / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
20 Dec 1987
The Reptile and IBill Willingham / Jill Thompson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
21 Jan 1988
ChrysalisBill Willingham / Bill Willingham / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
22 Feb 1988
The Book of CreationBill Willingham / Jack Herman / Bill Willingham / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
23 Mar 1988
Mad Gods and EnglishmenBill Willingham / Jill Thompson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
24 Apr 1988
The Shining PathLawrence Schick / Jill Thompson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
25 May 1988
Devil's NightJack Herman / Jill Thompson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
26 Jun 1988
Special ForcesJack Herman / Mike Chen / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kurt Mausert inedito
27 Jul 1988
My Little RunawayJack Herman / Jill Thompson / Jill Thompson / Bill Anderson / Kurt Mausert inedito
28 Aug 1988
Wasted and Contaminated IJack Herman / Jill Thompson / Bill Anderson / Kurt Mausert inedito
29 Sep 1988
Wasted and Contaminated IIJack Herman / Jill Thompson / Bill Anderson / Kurt Mausert inedito