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Captain Marvel Adventures
Captain Marvel Adventures
anno inizio serie: 1941
numeri rilasciati: 1-150
numeri catalogati: 26
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Prima serie di Captain Marvel
1 Jan 1941
Captain Marvel vs. ZManly Wade Wellman / Jack Kirby / Dick Briefer inedito
Out WestManly Wade Wellman / Jack Kirby / Dick Briefer inedito
The Monsters of SaturnManly Wade Wellman / Joe Simon / Jack Kirby / Dick Briefer inedito
Battles the VampireManly Wade Wellman / Jack Kirby / Dick Briefer inedito
18 Dec 1942
Captain Marvel Introduces Mary MarvelOtto Binder / Marc Swayze Le Grandi Storie Deluxe # 5 (Rw Lion)
Captain Marvel Fights a NightmareC. C. Beck inedito
The What-Not AdventureAlfred Bester / C. C. Beck inedito
Tanks A LotAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
The Three Wishes of Tim TuckerOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
53 Feb 1946
Uncle Marvel's Rival!Otto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
(untitled)George Marko / George Marko inedito
(untitled)Al Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
(untitled) inedito
The Incredible CalculatorOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
Passes This One By! inedito
(untitled)Al Liederman inedito
Captain Marvel Gets PromotedOtto Binder / Pete Costanza
Keen Observation! inedito
Cats and DogsArt Helfant / Art Helfant inedito
55 Mar 1946
The Endless StringOtto Binder / Pete Costanza
Gets the Horse LaughAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
The Gorgon's CurseBill Woolfolk / Pete Costanza inedito
The Crime Egotist of Columbus, OhioOtto Binder / Pete Costanza inedito
The Furious Five MinutesOtto Binder / Pete Costanza inedito
The Hobo NewscastJoe Millard inedito
57 Mar 1946
The Haunted GirlOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
Climbs To New HeightsAl Liederman inedito
The City Hermit of Rochester, N. Y.Otto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
Makes a Spectacle of Himself inedito
The Forgotten KingdomOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
Draws InterestGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
The Prophetic BookOtto Binder / Pete Costanza
59 Apr 1946
Captain Marvel Meets MiladyBill Woolfolk / Pete Costanza inedito
Ought to Keep His Shirt OnAl Liederman inedito
Licensed LaughterW. Jourdain / W. Jourdain inedito
Uncle Marvel's WeddingBill Woolfolk
The World's Wickedest WitchBill Woolfolk / Pete Costanza inedito
Captain Marvel Meets Sir MarvelBill Woolfolk / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
67 Nov 1946
Captain Marvel Gets a SecretaryOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
Gets Dizzy--And How!George Marko / George Marko inedito
The Mad MahoutC. C. Beck inedito
Giggle Gags inedito
A Game One inedito
The Great Butterfly ChaseBill Woolfolk / Kurt Schaffenberger inedito
The Pin-Up BoyAl Liederman inedito
Sassy Sallies inedito
The Key of CrimeOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
71 Apr 1947
The Adventure In Time!Otto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
Polite Till It HurtsGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
A Good Enough Answer inedito
Captain Marvel Traps a SleepwalkerBill Woolfolk / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
The Inward StruggleAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
The End of the WorldOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
79 Dec 1947
The Talking TigerOtto Binder / C. C. Beck
Brain Is BrokeGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
Return Engagement inedito
The World's Worst ActorBill Woolfolk / Pete Costanza inedito
Likes Light Programs inedito
Don't Pit-y Him!George Marko / George Marko inedito
Minerva's True LoveBill Woolfolk / Pete Costanza inedito
The Outdoor Life inedito
Candidate For ChaosAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
The Ancient CrimeOtto Binder / Pete Costanza
Pays To Be That Way inedito
80 Jan 1948
A Twice-Told TaleOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
Captain Marvel's Inferiority ComplexBill Woolfolk inedito
Loose in the Brains inedito
Early Morning Movie inedito
Farm Frollicking inedito
The WeathermenBill Woolfolk inedito
On the GriddleAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
Captain Marvel in the Land of Surrealism!Otto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
82 Mar 1948
Sivana Meets Aunt MinervaBill Woolfolk inedito
Baby TalkGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
Think of It inedito
The Streamlining of Captain MarvelBill Woolfolk inedito
Serious Matter inedito
Doesn't Make SenseGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
The Medieval DemonBill Woolfolk inedito
Pee Wee Pete Escapes the Dog House inedito
Adventure on a ScaffoldAl Liederman inedito
Rubbernose Randolph Is a Good EggArt Helfant / Art Helfant inedito
The Return of Mr. TawnyOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
97 Jun 1949
The World Without WaterOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
The Ownerless DiamondOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
The ManagerAl Liederman inedito
Captain Marvel Is Wiped OutOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
102 Nov 1949
The Earth DestroyerOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
A Real Phone-y inedito
Harrister the Barrister inedito
The Man Who Didn't ExistOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
(untitled) inedito
The Magic Mix-UpOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
Strong-Minded IdiotGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
The Early BirdAl Liederman inedito
The Adventure Within An Adventure...Otto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
103 Dec 1949
The Rediscovery of EarthOtto Binder inedito
Is Lantern-EyedGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
The Invention MiserOtto Binder / Pete Costanza
Host inedito
The World's Greatest ChefC. C. Beck inedito
OrderlyArt Helfant / Art Helfant inedito
The Package of TroubleAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
The Wish FactoryC. C. Beck inedito
Justice TriumphsHoward Boughner / Howard Boughner inedito
115 Dec 1950
The Day Civilization Went Backwards!Otto Binder / Pete Costanza
No Shining Example! inedito
The World's Mightiest GenieOtto Binder / Pete Costanza inedito
Mr. Tawny's Personality PerilOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
A StrangerGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
The Double DateAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
The Television TerrorOtto Binder / Pete Costanza inedito
Shady Character!Art Helfant / Art Helfant inedito
119 Apr 1951
Captain Marvel Battles InvisibilityOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
The Quiz WhizAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
The Man Who Thought AloudOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
Long ArmedGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
The Ghost Town MysteryOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
Brittle Patient inedito
The Hermit GiantOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
Big Help inedito
Mr. Tawny's Sales CampaignOtto Binder / C. C. Beck
126 Nov 1951
The Great Heat AgeOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
Dopey Danny Dee Is GroundedGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
Easy MoneyAl Liederman inedito
The Creeping HorrorOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
A Tearful Tale inedito
Mr. Tawny's Fight For FameOtto Binder / C. C. Beck
(untitled) inedito
129 Feb 1952
The Liquid HorrorOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
The Will To SatisfyAl Liederman inedito
The Robot HuntOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
Let There Be Music inedito
The Curse of the Black ThumbOtto Binder / C. C. Beck
133 Jun 1952
The Pressure PerilOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
Tough Boss inedito
The New MemberAl Liederman inedito
The Dog DilemmaOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
(untitled) inedito
A New Home For BillyOtto Binder / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
On a Diet!George Marko / George Marko inedito
134 Jul 1952
Captain Marvel Battles Sivana's Capsule KingdomOtto Binder / Pete Costanza Le Grandi Storie Deluxe # 5 (Rw Lion)
Cab Crazy inedito
The Big SurpriseAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
Mr. Tawny's Bouncing ShoesOtto Binder / C. C. Beck
Pleasure Seeker! inedito
Sizes Up the SituationGeorge Marko inedito
The Lost Island of IceOtto Binder / Pete Costanza inedito
137 Oct 1952
King Kull and the Seven SinsOtto Binder / C. C. Beck
The Sat-On Baby SitterAl Liederman inedito
Mr. Tawny's Culture CrazeOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
Old Age inedito
The Royal RiddleOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
139 Dec 1952
The Red CrusherOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
Jinx DayAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
Spider's DoomOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
The Fishing DogHoward Boughner / Howard Boughner inedito
Captain Marvel Fights Niatpac Levram!Otto Binder / C. C. Beck
145 Jun 1953
The World of Giant RatsBill Woolfolk / C. C. Beck / Pete Costanza
A Strange Case inedito
The Ride Down Death HillAl Liederman inedito
Whirling TerrorOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
A Warm SpotGeorge Marko / George Marko inedito
The Machines of Murder!C. C. Beck / Kurt Schaffenberger inedito
148 Sep 1953
Sivana Saves Captain MarvelOtto Binder / C. C. Beck
The Message from Across the Seas!Al Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
Captain Marvel Battles the WorldOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
The Impossible GhostOtto Binder / C. C. Beck inedito
Doc Sorebones Should be Paddled! inedito
149 Oct 1953
Captain Marvel's Most Difficult TaskC. C. Beck
Sunny Boy!George Marko / George Marko inedito
He Doesn't Aim to Please! inedito
The Golf LessonAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
Mr. Tawny, HermitC. C. Beck inedito
Billy Batson's Double LifeC. C. Beck / Pete Costanza inedito
The Conclusion inedito
Not So Merry! inedito
150 Nov 1953
Captain Marvel's WeddingC. C. Beck
Washed Up! inedito
Would have Been a Dead Duck! inedito
The Escaped LunaticAl Liederman / Al Liederman inedito
You Can't Pump Him For Information! inedito
Makes a Spectacle of Himself! inedito
The World of Too Many Sivanas Ch. 1: I Conquer AfricaC. C. Beck inedito
The World of Too Many Sivanas Ch. 2: I Conquer Billy BatsonC. C. Beck inedito
The World of Too Many Sivanas Ch. 3: I Conquer Captain Marvel!C. C. Beck inedito
The World of Too Many Sivanas Ch. 4: I Conquer the World!C. C. Beck inedito