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Captain Ginger
AHOY Comics
Captain Ginger
AHOY Comics
anno inizio serie: 2018
numeri rilasciati: 1-4
numeri catalogati: 4
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie limitata
Quando la razza umana si e' estinta, i gatti hanno ereditato la Terra! O almeno una nave stellare. Ora l'intrepido Capitano Ginger lotta per mantenere i suoi compagni felini uniti contro un universo ostile.
1 Oct 2018
Chapter OneStuart Moore / June Brigman / Roy Richardson / Veronica Gandini inedito
The Intrepid FilesStuart Moore / June Brigman / June Brigman inedito
The Electric Sky Bear That Inspired Ben FranklinGrant Morrison / Phil Hester / Phil Hester inedito
Too Much Coffee ManShannon Wheeler / Shannon Wheeler / Shannon Wheeler inedito
2 Nov 2018
Chapter TwoStuart Moore / June Brigman / Roy Richardson / Veronica Gandini inedito
Inherit the Howling Night! Tom Peyer / Randy Elliott / Randy Elliott / Andy Troy inedito
Keep Calm and Apocalypse On Robert Jeschonek / Jon Proctor / Jon Proctor inedito
Rubble Paul Bryce Ingman / Michael Montenat / Michael Montenat inedito
3 Dec 2018
Chapter ThreeStuart Moore / June Brigman / Roy Richardson / Veronica Gandini inedito
Count Ten... And Die! Tom Peyer / Randy Elliott / Randy Elliott / Andy Troy inedito
A Brief History of Science Fiction Kek-W / Steve Conley / Steve Conley inedito
Company Policy Regarding Eels Mark Russell / Ryan Kelly / Ryan Kelly inedito
X-Mas Files Frank Cammuso / Hart Seely / Peter Gross / Peter Gross inedito
4 Jan 2019
Chapter FourStuart Moore / June Brigman / Roy Richardson / Veronica Gandini inedito
Wipe the Blood Off My Name! Tom Peyer / Randy Elliott / Randy Elliott / Andy Troy inedito
Moments to Remember Audrey Ryer / Ryan Kelly / Ryan Kelly inedito