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BrainStorm! The Complete Chester P.Hackenbush and Other Underground Classics TP
Alchemy Publications
BrainStorm! The Complete Chester P.Hackenbush and Other Underground Classics TP
Alchemy Publications
anno inizio serie: 1999
numeri rilasciati: 1-1
numeri catalogati: 1
formato: brossurato
nazione: UK
tipologia: serie limitata
Ristampa in volume delle storie scritte da Talbot negli albi limitati Brainstorm Comix del 1975-1978.
1 Nov 1999
The influence of Hasan-I-SabbahBryan Talbot / Bryan Talbot BrainStorm! (Comma 22)
Out of the Crucible (A chemical adventure)Bryan Talbot / Bryan Talbot BrainStorm! (Comma 22)
From Here to Infinity (A hallucogenic melodrama)Bryan Talbot / Bryan Talbot BrainStorm! (Comma 22)
A Streetcar Named DeliriumBryan Talbot / Bryan Talbot BrainStorm! (Comma 22)
Smokey BearsBryan Talbot / Bryan Talbot BrainStorm! (Comma 22)
The Papist AffairBryan Talbot / Bryan Talbot BrainStorm! (Comma 22)
The Omega ReportBryan Talbot / Bryan Talbot BrainStorm! (Comma 22)
KOMIX COMICSBryan Talbot / Bryan Talbot BrainStorm! (Comma 22)