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Batman: Haunted Gotham
DC Comics
Batman: Haunted Gotham
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 2000
numeri rilasciati: 1-4
numeri catalogati: 4
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Batman
tipologia: serie limitata
Miniserie dedicata a Batman ambientata in un universo alternativo.
1 Feb 2000
Haunted Gotham, Part 1: Hell's Hunting GroundDoug Moench / Kelley Jones / John R. Beatty Batman: Gotham stregata # 1 (Play Press)
2 Mar 2000
Haunted Gotham, Part 2: Night CreaturesDoug Moench / Kelley Jones / John R. Beatty Batman: Gotham stregata # 1 (Play Press)
3 Apr 2000
Haunted Gotham, Part 3: The Shattered SerpentDoug Moench / Kelley Jones / John R. Beatty Batman: Gotham stregata # 2 (Play Press)
4 May 2000
Haunted Gotham, Part 4: Blood of the BatDoug Moench / Kelley Jones / John R. Beatty Batman: Gotham stregata # 2 (Play Press)