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Anarky Vol 1
DC Comics
Anarky Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1997
numeri rilasciati: 1-4
numeri catalogati: 4
formato: comic-book, 17X26
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie limitata
Serie limitata con protagonista Anarky, personaggio nato sulle pagine di Batman.
1 May 1997
Metamorphosis Part 1: Does a Dog Have Buddha Nature?Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Joe Rubinstein / Noelle Giddings Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight .. # 8 (Panini Comics)
2 Jun 1997
Metamorphosis Part 2: Revolution Number 9Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Joe Rubinstein / Noelle Giddings Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight .. # 8 (Panini Comics)
3 Jul 1997
Metamorphosis Part 3: The Economics of the MadhouseAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Joe Rubinstein / Noelle Giddings Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight .. # 8 (Panini Comics)
4 Aug 1997
Metamorphosis Part 4: Fanfare for the Common ManAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Joe Rubinstein / Noelle Giddings Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight .. # 8 (Panini Comics)