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1st Issue Special
DC Comics
1st Issue Special
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1975
numeri rilasciati: 1-13
numeri catalogati: 13
formato: magazine
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie antologica.
1 Apr 1975
Chapter One: Atlas the Great!Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Bruce Berry DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
Chater Two: Atlas the UntamedJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Bruce Berry DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
Chapter Three: Avenger!Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Bruce Berry DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
Chapter Four: Human Lizard!Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Bruce Berry DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
2 May 1975
The Green TeamJoe Simon / Jerry Grandenetti / Jerry Grandenetti inedito
3 Jun 1975
The Freak and the Billion-Dollar PhantomBob Haney / Ramona Fradon / Ramona Fradon inedito
4 Jul 1975
Lady CopRobert Kanigher / John Rosenberger / Vince Colletta inedito
Poisoned LoveRobert Kanigher / John Rosenberger / Vince Colletta inedito
5 Aug 1975
Chapter One: ManhunterJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Bruce Berry DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
Chapter Two: The Electric HeadJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Bruce Berry DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
Chapter Three: New WarriorJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Bruce Berry DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
6 Sep 1975
Chapter One: The Dingbats of Danger StreetJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Michael Royer DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
Chapter Two: Meet the GasserJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Michael Royer DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
Chapter Three: The Fire FightJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Michael Royer DC Omnibus # 59 (Panini Comics)
7 Oct 1975
Menace of the Human Firefly!Michael Fleisher / Steve Ditko / Michael Royer Classici DC: Creeper di Steve Ditko .. (Planeta DeAgostini)
8 Nov 1975
Land Of FearMike Grell / Mike Grell / Mike Grell inedito
9 Dec 1975
The Immortal DestinyMartin Pasko / Walter Simonson / Walter Simonson Play Book # 22 (Play Press)
10 Jan 1976
We're The OutsidersJoe Simon / Jerry Grandenetti / Creig Flessel inedito
First Story: JohnnyJoe Simon / Jerry Grandenetti / Creig Flessel inedito
Second Story: BillyJoe Simon / Jerry Grandenetti / Creig Flessel inedito
Third Story: Doctor GoodieJoe Simon / Jerry Grandenetti / Creig Flessel inedito
Fourth Story: The Strange Things Down Below the Medical CenterJoe Simon / Jerry Grandenetti / Creig Flessel inedito
11 Feb 1976
Code Name: AssassinGerry Conway / Steve Skeates / Nestor Redondo / Frank Redondo / Al Milgrom inedito
12 Mar 1976
StarmanGerry Conway / Mike Vosburg / Michael Royer inedito
Chapter One: The Alien Among UsGerry Conway / Mike Vosburg / Michael Royer inedito
Chapter Two: From Beyond the Farthest StarGerry Conway / Mike Vosburg / Michael Royer inedito
13 Apr 1976
Chapter One: Lest Night Fall Forever!Gerry Conway / Dennis O'Neil / Mike Vosburg / Mike Vosburg inedito
Chapter Two: A Secret Unveiled!Gerry Conway / Dennis O'Neil / Mike Vosburg / Mike Vosburg inedito
Chapter Three: Confrontation!Gerry Conway / Dennis O'Neil / Mike Vosburg / Mike Vosburg inedito