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Wonder Woman: L'attacco delle Amazzoni # 3

Wonder Woman: L'attacco delle Amazzoni # 3

L'attacco delle amazzoni, pt 3
Planeta DeAgostini Luglio 2008
Amazons Attack! # 3
Wonder Woman
The Road to Hell...
Will Pfeifer (script) / Pete Woods (art) / Pete Woods (inks)
22 pagine

da Amazons Attack! # 3, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2007)
Wonder Woman vol 3 # 10
Wonder Woman
Love and Murder, Part 5
Jodi Picoult (script) / Paco Diaz Luque (art) / Alex Sinclair (inks)
22 pagine

da Wonder Woman vol 3 # 10, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2007)
Amazons Attack! # 4
Wonder Woman
Things Fall Apart
Will Pfeifer (script) / Pete Woods (art) / Pete Woods (inks)
22 pagine

da Amazons Attack! # 4, DC Comics - USA (Set 2007)
Teen Titans Vol 3 # 49
Teen Titans
Life During Wartime
Adam Beechen (script) / Al Barrionuevo (art) / Bit (inks) / Tanya Horie (colors) / Richard Horie (colors)
22 pagine

da Teen Titans Vol 3 # 49, DC Comics - USA (Set 2007)