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Wonder Woman vol 1 # 102
Copertina di Ross Andru

Wonder Woman vol 1 # 102

DC Comics Novembre 1958
Wonder Woman
The Three Faces of Wonder Woman, Part One: The First Face of Wonder Woman!
Robert Kanigher (script) / Ross Andru (art) / Mike Esposito (inks)
8 pagine
Henry Boltinoff (script) / Henry Boltinoff (art) / Henry Boltinoff (inks)
1 pagine

da Superman vol 1 # 91, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1954)
Wonder Woman
The Three Faces of Wonder Woman, Part Two: The Second Face of Wonder Woman
Robert Kanigher (script) / Ross Andru (art) / Mike Esposito (inks)
8 pagine
(comic story)
Laurel of Love!
Julius Schwartz (script) / Morris Waldinger (art) / Tommy Nicolosi (inks)
1 pagine
Marriage a la Mode
Julius Schwartz (script) / Morris Waldinger (art) / Tommy Nicolosi (inks)
1 pagine
Wonder Woman
The Three Faces of Wonder Woman, Part Three: The Third Face of Wonder Woman
Robert Kanigher (script) / Ross Andru (art) / Mike Esposito (inks)
9 pagine