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World's Finest Comics # 249
Copertina di Jim Aparo

World's Finest Comics # 249

DC Comics Marzo 1978
Superman & Batman
Part 1: The Vampire of Steel
Bob Haney (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art) / Tex Blaisdell (inks) / Michele Wolfman (colors)
6 pagine
Superman & Batman
Part 2: Beware The Nega Realm, My Child...
Bob Haney (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art) / Tex Blaisdell (inks) / Michele Wolfman (colors)
6 pagine
Superman & Batman
Part 3: Vampire Bait
Bob Haney (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art) / Tex Blaisdell (inks) / Michele Wolfman (colors)
8 pagine
Green Arrow & Black Canary
Will the Costume Make the Hero?
Gerry Conway (script) / Trevor von Eeden (art) / Vince Colletta (inks) / Gene D'Angelo (colors)
20 pagine
Moon Lady and the Monster
Steve Ditko (script) / Steve Ditko (art) / Steve Ditko (inks) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
8 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Classici DC: Creeper di Steve Ditko, Planeta DeAgostini (Nov 2007)
Wonder Woman
A Fire in the Sky
Gerry Conway (script) / Mike Vosburg (art) / Bob Smith (inks) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
15 pagine