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GiulioG / Deboroh / Crimen2007 / max2001

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Deboroh su Racconti scritti da donne nude # 1, Fanfaluca su Racconti scritti da donne nude # 1, biscotty su Blood Hunt # 1, Guido su 2099 Alfa # 1, laracelo su 2099 Alfa # 1,


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World's Finest Comics # 46
Copertina di Win Mortimer

World's Finest Comics # 46

DC Comics Giugno 1950
The Seven Crimes of Mister 7!
Wayne Boring (art) / Stan Kaye (inks)
12 pagine
The Wyoming Kid
The Big Money-Mystery
Ryerson Johnson (script) / Howard Sherman (art)
10 pagine
Green Arrow
Sir Oliver Queen of Dornee Castle!
George Papp (art)
10 pagine
Full Steam Foley
Honeymoon with Headaches!
Win Mortimer (art)
10 pagine
Lit-Win (script) / Lit-Win (art)
4 pagine
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder
Bruce Wayne, Riveter!
Dick Sprang (art) / Charles Paris (inks)
12 pagine