Wonder Woman
Come Back to Me, Part Six: Cat Scratch and Fever Dreams
Amanda Conner (script) / Jimmy Palmiotti (script) / Thomas Derenick (art) / Trevor Scott (inks) / Alex Sinclair (colors)
Come Back to Me, Part Six: Cat Scratch and Fever Dreams
Amanda Conner (script) / Jimmy Palmiotti (script) / Thomas Derenick (art) / Trevor Scott (inks) / Alex Sinclair (colors)
12 pagine
Ristampa in originale: Wonder Woman: Come Back to Me # 3, DC Comics (Nov 2019)
Pubblicazione italiana: DC Collection # 7 - Wonder Woman: Torna da me, Panini Comics (Ago 2020)

Justice League
Green Arrow
Geoff Johns (script) / Carlos D'Anda (art) / Ivan Reis (art) / Joe Prado (inks) / Gabe Eltaeb (colors) / Alex Sinclair (colors)
Green Arrow
Geoff Johns (script) / Carlos D'Anda (art) / Ivan Reis (art) / Joe Prado (inks) / Gabe Eltaeb (colors) / Alex Sinclair (colors)
20 pagine
da Justice League vol 2 # 8, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2012)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Justice League # 8, Rw Lion (Dic 2012)

Wonder Woman
Who is Wonder Woman? Part 1
Allen Heinberg (script) / Terry Dodson (art) / Rachel Dodson (inks)
Who is Wonder Woman? Part 1
Allen Heinberg (script) / Terry Dodson (art) / Rachel Dodson (inks)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 3 # 1, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2006)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Wonder Woman # 1 - Un anno dopo, Planeta DeAgostini (Feb 2008)

The Others, Part 2 (Gli Altri, capitolo 2)
Geoff Johns (script) / Ivan Reis (art) / Joe Prado (inks)
The Others, Part 2 (Gli Altri, capitolo 2)
Geoff Johns (script) / Ivan Reis (art) / Joe Prado (inks)
22 pagine
da Aquaman vol 7 # 8, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2012)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Flash # 8 - La Forza della Velocità, Rw Lion (Dic 2012)
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