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What If? Vol 2 # 11

What If? Vol 2 # 11

Marvel Comics Marzo 1990
Fantastic Four
What If The Fantastic Four All Had The Same Power As Human Torch?
Jim Valentino (script) / Jim Valentino (art) / Chris Ivy (inks)
10 pagine
Fantastic Four
What If The Fantastic Four All Had The Stretching Power Of Mister Fantastic?
Jim Valentino (script) / Jim Valentino (art) / Hilary Barta (inks)
4 pagine
Fantastic Four
What If The Fantastic Four Had All Become Monsters Like The Thing?
Jim Valentino (script) / Jim Valentino (art) / Steve Montano (inks)
6 pagine
Fantastic Four
What If The Fantastic Four Shared The Powers Of The Invisible Woman?
Jim Valentino (script) / Jim Valentino (art) / Jeff Albrecht (inks)
8 pagine