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Western Gunfighters # 6
Copertina di Herb Trimpe

Western Gunfighters # 6

Marvel Comics Settembre 1971
Ghost Rider
Now Rides the Pale Horseman
Len Wein (script) / Dick Ayers (art) / Syd Shores (inks)
10 pagine
Black Rider
Syd Shores (art) / Syd Shores (inks)
6 pagine

da Black Rider # 23, Atlas Comics - USA (Lug 1954)
Wyatt Earp
Hank Chapman (script) / Dick Ayers (art) / Dick Ayers (inks)
5 pagine

da Wyatt Earp # 13, Atlas Comics - USA (Ago 1957)
(comic story)
The Badge of the Deputy
Stan Lee (script) / Paul Reinman (art) / Paul Reinman (inks)
4 pagine

da Frontier Western # 1, Atlas Comics - USA (Feb 1956)
Apache Kid
The Trail of the Coyote!
Werner Roth (art) / Werner Roth (inks)
5 pagine

da Apache Kid # 6, Atlas Comics - USA (Giu 1951)
Western Kid
John Romita (art) / John Romita (inks)
6 pagine

da Western Kid # 5, Atlas Comics - USA (Ago 1955)
(comic story)
The Sky Pilot!
Stan Lee (script) / Joe Sinnott (art) / Joe Sinnott (inks)
4 pagine

da Western Kid # 12, Atlas Comics - USA (Ott 1956)
(comic story)
The Gunfighter!
Stan Lee (script) / Dick Ayers (art) / Dick Ayers (inks)
4 pagine

da Frontier Western # 1, Atlas Comics - USA (Feb 1956)
Triple Cross!
Allyn Brodsky (script) / Werner Roth (art) / Bill Everett (inks)
10 pagine