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fumettosc / max2001 / Deboroh / Crimen2007 / Silus / ickers83

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Vampirella # 52
Copertina di Enrique Torres

Vampirella # 52

Warren Luglio 1976
Dr. Wrighter's Asylum of Horror
Bill Dubay (script) / Gonzalo Mayo (art) / Gonzalo Mayo (inks)
12 pagine
The Beauty and the Beast
Bill Dubay (script) / Gonzalo Mayo (art) / Gonzalo Mayo (inks)
12 pagine
(horror story)
The House at Blood Corner
Gerry Boudreau (script) / Ramon Torrents (art) / Ramon Torrents (inks)
9 pagine
(horror story)
Stake Out!
Gerry Boudreau (script) / José Ortiz (art) / José Ortiz (inks)
8 pagine
(horror story)
The Segerson Experiment
Gerry Boudreau (script) / Steve Clement (script) / Zesar Lopez (art) / Zesar Lopez (inks)
8 pagine