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70cherokee / beatsteps

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giorgiocomics su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1, giorgiocomics su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1,


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Vampirella # 41
Copertina di Enrique Torres

Vampirella # 41

Warren Aprile 1975
Pepe González (art) / Pepe González (inks)
1 pagine
The Malignant Morticians!
Flaxman Loew (script) / Leopold Sanchez (art) / Leopold Sanchez (inks)
12 pagine
Rainy Night in Georgia
Gerry Boudreau (script) / Esteban Maroto (art) / Esteban Maroto (inks)
8 pagine
(horror story)
The House on the Sea
Jim Stenstrum (script) / Rafael Auraleón (art) / Rafael Auraleón (inks)
20 pagine
(horror story)
The Wickford Witches
Gerry Boudreau (script) / José Ortiz (art) / José Ortiz (inks)
6 pagine
(horror story)
Goodbye, My Love, Goodbye
Fernando Fernandez (script) / Fernando Fernandez (art) / Fernando Fernandez (inks)
12 pagine