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Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction # 1
Copertina di Kelly Freas

Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction # 1

Marvel Comics Gennaio 1975
(science fiction)
Tony Isabella (script) / Gene Colan (art) / Tom Palmer (inks)
3 pagine
(science fiction)
The Day of the Triffids (Chapter One)
Gerry Conway (script) / Ross Andru (art) / Ernie Chan (inks)
4 pagine
(science fiction)
The Day of the Triffids (Chapter Two)
Gerry Conway (script) / Ross Andru (art) / Ernie Chan (inks)
6 pagine
(science fiction)
The Day of the Triffids (Chapter Three)
Gerry Conway (script) / Ross Andru (art) / Ernie Chan (inks)
6 pagine
A View from Without
Neal Adams (script) / Neal Adams (art) / Neal Adams (inks)
8 pagine

da Phase, Sal Quartuccio - USA (Dic 1971)
Smash Gordon
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Mongo!
Frank Brunner (script) / Frank Brunner (art) / Frank Brunner (inks)
4 pagine
Savage World
Wally Wood (script) / Al Williamson (art) / Angelo Torres (art) / Wally Wood (art) / Roy Gerald Krenkel (art) / Roy Gerald Krenkel (inks) / Wally Wood (inks) / Angelo Torres (inks) / Al Williamson (inks) / Frank Frazetta (inks)
8 pagine

da Witzend # 1, Wallace Wood - USA (Set 1966)
Hey Buddy, Can You Lend Me a...
Michael William Kaluta (script) / Michael William Kaluta (art) / Michael William Kaluta (inks)
5 pagine

da Scream Door, Asian Flu Publications - USA (Dic 1971)
Tony Isabella (script) / Gene Colan (art) / Mike Esposito (inks)
1 pagine
Light of Other Days
Tony Isabella (script) / Gene Colan (art) / Mike Esposito (inks)
7 pagine
Tony Isabella (script) / Gene Colan (art) / Mike Esposito (inks)
1 pagine