Una città chiamata Vanity
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 1, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1996)

Troppi Criminali
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
protagonisti: Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 2, DC Comics - USA (Set 1996)

La ragazza che era la morte
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 3, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1996)

Il re lucertola
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 4, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1996)

Trappola Mortale
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 5, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1996)

Benvenuti a Vanity
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
protagonisti: Batman, Joker
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 6, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1997)

Scherza bene chi scherza ultimo
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
protagonisti: Batman, Alfred Pennyworth, Joker
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 7, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1997)

La Mano Invisibile
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 8, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1997)

Il potere e la Gloria
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
protagonisti: Superman, Lex Luthor
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 9, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1997)

La lega dei campioni
Grant Morrison (script) / Mark Millar (script) / Steven Harris (art) / Keith Champagne (inks) / Mike Danza (colors)
protagonisti: Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Flash (Wally West), Batman, Wonder Woman, Roy Harper, Amazo, Superman
da Aztek: The Ultimate Man # 10, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1997)
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