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Universo DC: Hourman # 1
Copertina di Tony Harris

Universo DC: Hourman

Planeta DeAgostini Settembre 2009
JLA in Crisis Secret Files # 1
Origin Story: The Flash's Infinite Crisis!
Tom Peyer (script) / Ron Wagner (art) / Stuart Immonen (art) / Tony Harris (art) / Paul Ryan (art) / Scott McDaniel (art) / Greg Luzniak (art) / Kevin Maguire (art) / Dusty Abell (art) / Frank Fosco (art) / Darryl Banks (art) / Tom Grummett (art) / Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (art) / Dave Gibbons (art) / Kevin O'Neill (art) / Rags Morales (art) / Greg Land (art)
40 pagine

da JLA in Crisis Secret Files, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1998)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: JLA Secret Files, Play Press (Ago 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 1
Through the Hourglass
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Digital Chameleon (colors)
24 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 1, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 2
Romancing the Tombstone
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 2, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 3
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 3, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 4
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 4, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 5
The Death of Hourman
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 5, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 6
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 6, DC Comics - USA (Set 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 7
The Human League
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / Gloria Vasquez (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 7, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 8
A Week with No Hourman
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Andrew Hennessy (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 8, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 9
Where Does the Time Go?
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 9, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1999)
Hourman Vol 1 # 10
Bride of the Gombezi
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Mark Propst (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 10, DC Comics - USA (Gen 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 11
Hourman One Million Part One: Or Else
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 11, DC Comics - USA (Feb 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 12
Hourman One Million Part Two: Metron's Brain
Tom Peyer (script) / Steve Scott (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / Walden Wong (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 12, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 13
Hourman One Million Part Three: The Perfect Crime
Tom Peyer (script) / Steve Scott (art) / Walden Wong (inks) / Andrew Hennessy (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 13, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 14
Secrets and Lies
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / Andrew Hennessy (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 14, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 15
Friend of the Devil
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 15, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 16
Snapper Carr, Super-Traitor!
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / Andrew Hennessy (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 16, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 17
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Tom Peyer (script) / Jason Orfalas (art) / Walden Wong (inks) / James Sinclair (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 17, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 18
High Society
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 18, DC Comics - USA (Set 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 19
The Thief of Time
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / Andrew Hennessy (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 19, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 20
My So-Called Afterlife
Tom Peyer (script) / Christopher Priest (script) / Howard Porter (art) / Jason Orfalas (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / Norm Rapmund (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 20, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 21
Maybe I'm Amazo
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / Mark Propst (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 21, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2000)
Hourman Vol 1 # 22
The Chrono-Bums
Tom Peyer (script) / Tony Harris (art) / Tony Harris (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 22, DC Comics - USA (Gen 2001)
Hourman Vol 1 # 23
The Unbelievable Truth
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 23, DC Comics - USA (Feb 2001)
Hourman Vol 1 # 24
Minutes to Go
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 24, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2001)
Hourman Vol 1 # 25
...But You'll Never See the End of the Road If You're Travelling with Me
Tom Peyer (script) / Rags Morales (art) / Dave Meikis (inks) / Claude St. Aubin (inks) / John Kalisz (colors) / Heroic Age (colors)
22 pagine

da Hourman Vol 1 # 25, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2001)