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The Spirit - Le Nuove Avventure # 1
Copertina di Dave Gibbons

The Spirit - Le Nuove Avventure

Magic Press Luglio 1999
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 1
The Spirit
Il pasto più importante
Alan Moore (script) / Dave Gibbons (art) / Angus McKie (colors)
8 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 1, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Mar 1998)
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 1
The Spirit
Forza di braccia
Alan Moore (script) / Dave Gibbons (art) / Angus McKie (colors)
8 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 1, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Mar 1998)
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 1
The Spirit
I pettegolezzi su Geltrude Granch
Alan Moore (script) / Dave Gibbons (art) / Angus McKie (colors)
8 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 1, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Mar 1998)
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 2
The Spirit
Il ritorno di Mink Stole
Neil Gaiman (script) / Eddie Campbell (art) / Steve Oliff (colors)
10 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 2, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Apr 1998)
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 3
The Spirit
Stanotte ho sognato il dottor Cobra
Alan Moore (script) / Daniel Torres (art) / Daniel Torres (colors)
10 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 3, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Mag 1998)
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 4
The Spirit
Il Samovar di Shooshnipour
Kurt Busiek (script) / Brent Eric Anderson (art) / Will Blyberg (inks) / Alex Sinclair (colors)
7 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 4, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Giu 1998)
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 5
The Spirit
Bellezza maledetta
Paul Chadwick (script) / Paul Chadwick (art) / John Nyberg (inks) / Angus McKie (colors)
32 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 5, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Lug 1998)
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 6
The Spirit
Swami Vashtibubu
John Ostrander (script) / Tom Mandrake (art) / Alex Sinclair (colors)
10 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 6, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Set 1998)
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 7
The Spirit
Chi gioca a golf?
Dennis P. Eichhorn (script) / Peter Poplaski (art) / Peter Poplaski (inks) / Peter Poplaski (colors)
11 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 7, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Ott 1998)
The Spirit: The New Adventures # 8
The Spirit
Tesoro mio
Joe R. Lansdale (script) / John Lucas (art) / Lee Loughridge (colors)
22 pagine

da The Spirit: The New Adventures # 8, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Nov 1998)