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Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror # 6
Copertina di Bill Morrison

Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror # 6

Bongo Entertainment, Inc. Settembre 2000
The Simpsons
Hell-O-Ween (Hell-O-Ué)
Jim Mahfood (script) / Jim Mahfood (art) / Jim Mahfood (inks)
15 pagine
Homer Simppson
Metamorphsimpsons (MetamorfoSimpsons)
Peter Kuper (script) / Peter Kuper (art) / Peter Kuper (inks)
14 pagine
Bart Simpson
Young Frinkenstein (il giovane Frinkenstein)
Bill Morrison (script) / Dan DeCarlo (art) / Allen Roberts (inks)
14 pagine
The Simpsons
From Duffs Till Dawn (Dall'alcol al tramonto)
Scott Morse (script) / Scott Morse (art) / Scott Morse (inks)
15 pagine