The Night Man
Origin of the Night Man
Steve Englehart (script) / Darick Robertson (art) / Andrew Pepoy (inks) / Paul Mounts (colors)
Origin of the Night Man
Steve Englehart (script) / Darick Robertson (art) / Andrew Pepoy (inks) / Paul Mounts (colors)
28 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: Star Magazine # 45, Star Comics (Giu 1994)
The Sorcerer
Chris Ulm (script) / Barry Windsor-Smith (script) / Barry Windsor-Smith (art) / John Floyd (inks) / Barry Windsor-Smith (colors) / Albert Calleros (colors)
The Sorcerer
Chris Ulm (script) / Barry Windsor-Smith (script) / Barry Windsor-Smith (art) / John Floyd (inks) / Barry Windsor-Smith (colors) / Albert Calleros (colors)
le Origini di Rune pt3
3 pagine
1 pagine
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