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Superman l'Uomo d'Acciaio # 9

Superman l'Uomo d'Acciaio # 9

Rw Lion Gennaio 2015
Batman/Superman Annual vol 1 # 1
Batman and Superman
Greg Pak (script) / Jae Lee (art) / Kenneth Rocafort (art)
38 pagine

da Batman/Superman Annual vol 1 # 1, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2014)
Batman/Superman vol 1 # 9
Batman and Superman
First Contact, Part 3
Greg Pak (script) / Jae Lee (art) / Jae Lee (inks)
22 pagine

da Batman/Superman vol 1 # 9, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2014)
Worlds' Finest # 21
Huntress and Power Girl
First Contact, Part 4
Paul Levitz (script) / Greg Pak (script) / R.B. Silva (art) / Norm Rapmund (inks) / Joe Weems (inks)
20 pagine

da Worlds' Finest # 21, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2014)