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Superman # 65

Superman # 65 | Superman (Rw Lion) 6

Rw Lion Ottobre 2012
Action Comics vol 2 # 6
When Superman Learned To Fly
Grant Morrison (script) / Andy Kubert (art) / John Dell (inks)
20 pagine

da Action Comics vol 2 # 6, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2012)
Superman vol 3 # 6
The Measure of a Superman
Keith Giffen (script) / Dan Jurgens (script) / George Pérez (script) / Nicola Scott (art) / Jesus Merino (inks) / Trevor Scott (inks)
22 pagine

da Superman vol 3 # 6, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2012)
Supergirl vol 6 # 6
The End of the Beginning
Michael Green (script) / Mike Johnson (script) / Mahmud Asrar (art) / Mahmud Asrar (inks)
22 pagine

da Supergirl vol 6 # 6, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2012)